Lock Haven University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lock Haven University know before they start?


If I could go back in time and speak to the high school senior self, I would tell her to enjoy her time a bit longer with the people time was spent with. "After high school, many of them will drift and you'll meet new friends that make you laugh harder than those in high school. Learn to study more and try to pay attention to what your A.P. English teacher tells you your writing problems. Those will hurt you in college since you only truly know PSSA writing. Be more confident and outgoing, but be caring and respectful. Enjoy your last year of high school because your first year in college will be so much better," I tell her. I would hug her and leave to seek what I have changed for the future.


I would advise myself to be ready for a huge increase in work load and a greater need of discipline. In high school i was used to being in an easier lifestyle. I had the ability to show up and pay attention to get an A in the class. The classes I took weren't all that easy, but I found the most effort I had to put in was about one hour of study time before the test the next day. When I came to college and tried a similar approach, I realized the large step up I needed to take. If I had truly been able to understand the immense difference between high school and college before I went to college, I wouldn't have had such a problem making up for the points I had already lost in the beginning of the first semester. If I could go back and speak with myself, I would say that I needed to make a drastic change in my learning methods and explain the difficulties to come.


If I saw myself as a high school senior, the first thing I would have to do to myself would be slap myself and tell myself to just relax and calm down. As a high school senior, the only thing I thought about college was like something out of a movie. I had it set that I was going to party on the weekends, every day was going to be like spring break, absolutely nothing like college actually is. I'd tell myself to leave the spring break hat at home and get ready for some major growing up and responsibility. There are these things that mom and dad always worried about called bills that I would start getting. On top of that, no more asking the parents for an allowance. However with some bad comes some good, meaning there is a lot of freedom in college. However this is where the responsible part comes in. If you are not careful, it is very easy to lose control and end up back home broke and as a failure. The freshman fifteen is a myth but it can come true far to easily. But luckily, I am going to be spared.


You shouold stop procrastinating right now and be ready for more of a workload than ever before. Also whenever you acctually move away from campus and start to go to school you better be ready to have the self will to go to class and then do all your homework.


Do you remember when you were in sixth grade and they told you that in high school you would only write in cursive? Writing in cursive didn?t turn out to as important as you thought it would be. In high school you take state standardized test and are told that academics are the most important. You may wonder if college is going to be test after test. Academics in college are important. You should read your assignments and take them serious, but in reality you are not always going to be perfect. College is about learning and experiencing new things. What you learn at college is not confined to a classroom. Living in the dorms you will experience new people and new cultures. Don?t be afraid to talk to people, learning how to communicate with new people is an important skill. Do not be afraid to join clubs or participate in student government. Being able to balance academics and activities is a preview of balancing a career and a social life. The most important thing is that you are happy. You should not go over the top, but find a balance that you are comfortable and happy with.


The new and exciting transition to college life isn't always an easy one. I guarantee that you will feel homesick from time to time but this can be overcome through a simple call to your family, or by surronding yourself with new and old friends. College coursework is much different from highschool. Professors don't remind you of deadlines like all your previous teachers did. For this reason you have to pay extra attention and always be ready for the announcement of a test or paper due in the near future. It is best to stay ahead of the game and always work on papers long before the deadlines. College life literally "flys" by and so do deadlines. If you take these few tips into account, college will be the best time of your life. College is the time where you find out who you really are and become who you want to be. Remember what brought you to this point and stick to it.


Hints for college: Make sure you have enough money for books. Do not count on financial aid to be ready the first week. You are an adult. You can come and go as you please. Don't abuse it, but remember you are not under anyones "power". Make sure you get enough sleep and study a week or two early. Make note cards. Order books a few weeks ahead of time off of amazon and other websites like that for cheaper books if possible. Don't be afraid to talk to strangers. You won't die. Be open and ready for anything. Ask questions and ask them often. Talk in class. Pay more attention to activities going on in residence hall. Say "hey" to everyone you pass and don't forget to smile and mean it.


If I could go back in time to my last year in high school and talk to myself, I would tell myself to pay attention more in classes. Mostly in English class and learn how to write a good, strong sounding paper. I'd also tell myself to study more than just the night before a test, study a little bit every night really does help you out on test day. Turn my cellphone, laptop and tv off, the less distractions the better you can concentrate. Another piece of advise I would give to the high school me is to save money up for books, personal expenses or even just in case you have to buy extra stuff for a class. Its smarter to be over prepared than not prepared at all.


Looking back, I wouldn?t change my decision to come to Lock Haven University. I would offer myself some important advice. I would tell myself to just believe that everything will work out and stay focused on the school work and everything else will fall into place. You may have come to college with some friends from high school, but when you?re there, branch out and meet new people because that is what college is all about. Try new things like clubs and sports, join a sorority, and most importantly GET INVOLVED. College is what you make it, so the more you?re involved, the more fun you will have. I?d tell myself not to worry about not knowing how to cook; EasyMac will always be easy. Go to a football game and cheer on the team - even if they aren?t the greatest, have movie & karaoke nights with all the girls on your floor even if you can?t sing. And most importantly I?d tell myself to never forget where I came from & where I?m going. College only lasts four years but those four years can be some of the best experiences of your life.


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell my former self that I now have much more direction in terms of my intended career path, and that Lock Haven University isn't the best fit for what I'd like to do. I'd tell myself to apply for a school near a major city, or in a college town with an active music scene, so that I could better prepare myself for a career as a music journalist. I'd also encourage myself not to fret too much about romantic matters once I was in college, and to focus primarily on my education.