Lock Haven University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lock Haven University know before they start?


I haven't been in college for very long, but I have gotten a lot out of my experience already. This is my first time staying from home for months at a time, so I have developed a sense of independence and self-reliance; I can't depend on my parents for food, laundry, and reminders any more. I have also had the opportunity to meet a lot of new people who have different values than me, and I have started to develop friendships with many of them. The education I am receiving is great also. I am sure I have picked the right major for me and enjoy most of my classes, particularly the ones related to health science. I have understood since the beginning of high school that there is a lot of value in attending college, and now I can actually see the benefits. I am being presented with many different ways of looking at subjects and am being molded into a more rounded person that is able to see the world in a new light. Obtaining a higher education has influenced me, and will continue to influence me to become the best person I can be.


I am barely half way through my first semester of college, while its not what I was expecting in any way, in some areas I have gained a lot. I am taking a writting class, as simple as it appears I am learning a lot about myself as a writer about good tips to make my writing better and how to improve my writing skills. As well as one of my most interesting classes would be sociology, it's a class that introduces the idea of how to communicate and interact with people around us and how inactions work in the world. I feel these are both classes that I will take with me the rest of my life, in my furture career and as life skills in general.


I have met many different people. Some are from California, others from Venezuela. The diversity is amazing. I have learned how important it is to just set time for yourself. It really helps you think about the kind of person you want to become. College is a great way to just be yourself, whatever that may be.


I have made the closest of friends with whom I can confide in anything with. Lock Haven encourages academics and on-campus involvement. I have a 3.71 GPA, am in the honors program, am captain of my intramural volleyball team, and the public relations officer for the psychology club. I have a great relationship with my advisor who is always there to answer my questions and encourage me. Attending Lock Haven will increase my chances of getting into the graduate school of my choice. I am not worried about my future because Lock Haven makes sure that you get on the right path and work to the best of your ability and succeed.


I have grown up a lot since attending Lock Haven. My parents are not here to tell me what to do or how to do it. I have to use my own judgement when I do things. I like to have fun but I know that I want to succeed in life so my studies have come first. It was hard but I have maintained a 3.68 GPA in my Freshman year. I have learned to do for myself and not to depend on people to do things for me. That alone has made me grow up. I want to study abroard so I have studied hard. I have also learned how to handle my money and I know that I am getting better at it. College is Fun Time but it is also Life Time. What I mean by that is, you decide what you want in life and apply yourself, The rest of your life depends on how you fare in College.


I would give myself a few different types of advice. First, I would tell myself not to be so worried about making friends. Making friends in college is so much easier than in high school. People seem to be more accepting in college and like meeting new people. I would also tell myself that even though I had my own room for most of my life, living with a roommate is not that bad. As long as you set ground rules and are willing to talk to each other about things it will all work out. A third thing I would tell myself would be concerning academics. A college course by itself is not difficult, it is when you have a bunch of them at once. Time management and to-do lists are a very important skill to have.


I would tell myself to look harder for scholarships . More scholarships would have helped out greatly. I am feeling the pressure to pay for the next three years of school because of out of state tuition. So if I had looked harder for more scholarships I could focus on school more.I would also tell myself to do what you want and do what maks you happy. Mom and dad will presure you to stay in Colorado for school, don't do it. Lock Haven is the best thing to happen to you.


I would tell myself that it is not as bad as my teachers made it seem like. Make sure that you do not go back to your room until all of your homework for the day is done. Life in the residence halls is great, but make sure you find someone that you mesh pretty well with to be your roommate. Preppy girls are sometimes hard to deal with, especially when you have nothing in common. Stay in band. There are so many nice people that become your friends instantly, so you will never be the lonely freshman. There are so many opportunities that come up with meeting so many people. Go for the honors program your first semester to help out with the tuition price. You are smart enough to keep up with all of the requirements. Become involved in some activity besides band. Try for an honorary fraternity or sorority. You will keep up with your community service hours, and have a blast doing something besides homework. Take it easy, if you need to take an extra semester, take one. And finally, do what you want to do and have fun.


I would tell myself to consentrate and focus. I would tell myself that none of the petty stuff that goes on in high school will matter once you get to college the only thing that matters is the knowledge that you gained to help you excel in college. I would also tell myself just to relax. I remember getting so worked up coming into college that I had an extremely hard time transitioning and paying attention to my classes and if I would have just relaxed it would have been so much better.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a highschool senior, I would tell myself to choose Health Sciences as my major instead of Chemistry like I did originally. I would have spent that year and a half on the right course for my future instead of starting over with a new major. I'd also tell myself to start applying for financial aid and scholarships now instead of waiting for my money to run out to do so. Finally, and most importantly, I'd tell myself to apply myself to school, and study hard and not fall behind in my classes and let my GPA suffer as a result. In order toget jobs in my new major, I have to have a GPA of 3.5 at least and now, because I let myself fall behind, I have a lot to make up to earn that GPA. I may not graduate when originally planned because I change my major, I am out of money for school, and I have a lot of work to make up. If I had known as a senior how to avoid that, I would have done anything to do so.