Lock Haven University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lock Haven University know before they start?


Choosing a college is easily one of the most important decisions one has to make in his or her lifetime. Every school offers different majors and degrees and every school is known more for specific subjects. When researching schools and determining which one to choose, one must keep in mind the quality of courses, social aspects in and out of the classroom, degrees offered, and the effectiveness of professors. To get a complete understanding, online research is not completely reliable as some information is biased and one-sided. Therefore, orientations, campus tours, and communicating with enrolled students in the same field or major as the prospective student are incredibly important when narrowing the choices at hand. Although students can get a lot out of a quick visit or a brief chat with current students, it is recommended to make at least one more serious look at the school one wants to attend before finalizing the decision. With the price of tuition continually on the rise, a wrong choice in schools can be devastating. With this in mind, make sure to take the appropriate steps forward in finding the school that fits.


You should check the background of the school. The crime rate, how big the area is. You should also talk with students that are currently there instead of the staff and students that comes to talk about the school to make it seem perfect because no school is perfect. You should look more into the area of study you are interested in and see what type of classes they offer and if they have a good graduation rate. Most importantly, I have found out that most people are comfortable at schools where they feel most home. If you are a person that loves your family and do not know what to do without them for a week, then you should stay closer to home because you are only going to transfer closer, which can be a pain. You also do better in school when you feel at home, so if you like the big city, pick a school in the city. If you love the small towns, pick a smaller university because no school no matter how good it may be academic wise, will help you learn unless your happy and comfortable where you are.


I would tell parents and their kids to make it a family experience and to look for colleges together. I wanted to find a college that was right for me, but one that was also affordable for my family. Together, we looked at different schools and went to open houses. It really helps to have the support of loved ones. It makes the whole process a really great experience.


Make it somewhere you really want to go and don't be afraid to change your major. It's all a learning experience.


Ask yourself these questions: What is your true passion? What is it that you want to do with your life? Do you have the right funding? Will you have enough money to live on while at school? What I wish I was able to do was live the true college life. I wanted to participate in extracurricular activities and clubs, however I was putting myself through school and couldn't afford to not work. I sacrificed so I could have a college degree. So far, the degree hasn't gotten me far, however, I am thankful for what I have learned and who I have met along the way. Think about what you want your college experience to be and go from there. Lock Haven is a very small town. If you want a fast-paced, city college experience, this is not the school for you.


I believe that students and their parents should sit down and discuss their reasons for wanting to attend college. It is important to decide what you want out of life before you start living it. There are many students who will attend a college just for their reputation or for how the college is representated. The truth is, everyone needs to take a step further into looking into colleges and look at their specific programs have to offered. As for making the best of your college experience, I would say, be yourself. You do not have to change for anyone or anything. This is the time for you to find out who you are and establish yourself as an adult. Don't fall for peer pressure. You can make your own decisions, but don't be afraid to meet new people. You never know who you may meet.


The advice I would give to both parents and students is to consider the type of person the student is, along with their chosen major. I have a large group of friends which are scattered around different colleges here in Pennsylvannia and know that each college offers something different as far as group activities, sports, leisure activities, as well as their course work. I have discovered that having a well rounded involvement makes for a much happier experience at the chosen college. I don't think that finding the right school can be done quickly. Whether it is sports or club activities, the student should get involved during the high school years and when they find the right college that fits them in all the areas of interest, making friends and feeling like a part of the campus community should be easy. When you are happy with where you are at, I feel your mind is open to learning. Achieve!


The advice that I would give about finding the right college would mostly be to visit the college you plan on going to before you actually enroll. By visiting the campus, you can get a feel for how it will most likely be whenever you go there for the school year. As far as making the most of the college experience...don't just camp out in your room or in the library. Put yourself out there to meet people and make new friends. College is all about finding out who you are and making new friends for a new chapter in your life.


Students should choose the college that is feel right to them and not what is expected of them. By following their hearts they will find the best college that is right.


Look around and do research. Guidance counselors, word of mouth, internet, and open houses are the most beneficial. This helps in finding what matches your interests or what you may want to be interested in. Have confidence that you can get into any place you want because there are endless opportunities that are available everywhere. Get ready to go out if that suits you, have late study nights, meet several diverse people, and to enjoy living the next step of life independently. In a way, all colleges are the same. The difference is the way you perceive them to be. The point is to make the experience just the way you want it to work out. Be open-minded, understanding, and willing to accept new challenges, ideas, and people. Enter any university excited and ready to start a new life that leads to a great future and most importantly to have a chance to find yourself.