I would tell myself to enjoy getting to know people. It is easy to make friends within your major, and the professors are personal and fun.
In my opinion, my high school did not prepare me for college. Now, when high school friends ask me what to expect in college, I feel the need to give them advise I did not receive before graduation. This fact is why I went back to my high school to share with underclassmen my experience so far in my new life. By advising them, hopefully they will not be as nervous as I.
If I had the chance, I would tell myself I am making the right decision. The summer before college I was undoubtedly scared. Looking back, I would tell myself college is not a bad thing. College is paired with responsibilities, but also experience, specialized classes, helpful professors, and freedom. In high school I was always bored in my classes I had no interest in. I loved my Advanced Biology and Anatomy, but classes such as Algebra had trouble keeping my attention. I would also remind myself there is no “unimportant” class. Every class is an opportunity to further your education.
College is a time to redefine yourself. Classes are chosen to fit your schedule, making learning easy and fun.
The advice that I would give to my high school self would be to not worry so much about the small things. Look forward to the bigger pictures in life. Have fun, but make sure you make time for your homework and yourself. Do your best and if you fail at something, so what, at least you tried. And when this is all over, you'll look back and be proud of the person you were and the person that you've become.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would say to always focus on school and do well in all my classes because how much effort you put in, is what you get out. So always try your very best. I would also tell myself to talk to a counselor about my intended major and do some reasearch about it so I can know the education requirements and schooling for it. I would also tell myself to always study for upcoming exams to get good grades because education is the key to success. Also if you are not sure about your major, think of something you enjoy doing. It isn't about the money. Just enjoy what you love.
When I was a senior in high school, I used to do many things; such as getting involve with the Aspira/Hispanic Club doing some fundraising for my school. I even had to use some posterboards to put in photos of people who I know when they were seniors in high school and were my friends that I've studied and hanged out with. But the most important fact about myself was that I was setting up my own goals and have realized that I was close to graduating high school. Furthermore, it was only the beginning for me by reaching one goal of stepping foot in going to college. Ever since I started college, I didn't know what I was doing at first because I was searching in one of the classrooms where I need to attend class and all the rest. All of a sudden, my abilities were starting to increase so that I would be able to understand what life in college is about, and that is where I begin to gain some experience into thinking that I could learn almost anything and simply become the best the student that I can be which matters most.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, the advice I would give myself is to know what you want to do in life first or what you want your future career to be. This is very helpful to know so that when you get to college you can focus on what you need to know for your future career. Practice time management in high because in college is where, in my opinion, takes place the most. Once you've figured out what you want to do in the future, search for colleges that are very prominent in that major area of what you want to study. Also, have other options just in case you are not accepted into the college of your choice. You want to also look at what you can afford. Its nothing like paying for a college education and going to college just to be asking yourself "why am I here?" Making the transition to college will be challenging but your have to ask yourself, "Am I up for the challenge, is this what I want?" Answer, then make your life changing decision.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I now about college life now, I would have a lot of advice to give myself. I would tell remind myself to keep a healthy balance of work and play because that is very important in college. I would tell myself to keep up with my school work and not let myself get too far behind because trying to catch up can be difficult and stressful. Lastly, I would tell myself to take every opportunity I can to better myself or my education. I am in college for a reason and should take full advantage of my time and opportuinities here. There are many programs and activities at college that can teach me new skills and streghen my already exisiting ones. In the end, I would not want to have any regrets. I would tell my high school self to do everything I can in college so that when I'm done I can look back and know I did everything I could and wanted.
The advice I would go back and give myself would be to stay focused. Graduating high school was exciting and overwhelming but you shouldn't lose sight of what's important because when one chapter ends; graduating high school, another begins; continuing your education to better yourself for the future. I would tell myself to put more time into my school-work and to take things more seriously. I would have told myself to pick up different learning habits so the transition wouldn’t have been as hard to adapt to going into the college life. Lastly, I would give myself the advice that what you work hard for will benefit you down the road and in the long run.
I wish I could tell myself to not worry about others as much as I did. I was the girl who anyone could count on to be there when she was needed, and unfortunately when you have a lot to give, there are people who take advantage of you. I never saw it that way; I just always want to be the person to help when I'm needed. Not much has changed since high school but when I was 15 I was in an abusive relationship that lasted 4 years. I finally got the help and courage I needed to change my life and make myself a stronger person. I don’t regret being there for people when they need my but I’m certainly not as naive to the evils that exist in our world as I once was. I used to think ignorance is bliss but now I see that true bliss is when you can look at the world through cold eyes that have seen the dark and still see the beauty in it. That's what I’ve learned to do. I just wish 15 year old me was less blind to it back then.
I would tell myself that in college grades aren't the only thing that matters. In order to be successful in college you need to be able to interact in various situations that are outside of a classroom setting. I would tell myself that being focused on my grades is an important thing, but I also need to know that having a social life is okay as well. I would also tell myself that though going to college seemed very scary, as of now it is the best time in my life. I have met so many people who are just like me and are just as driven as I am. I want to tell myself that in college is where you finally find out who you are and what you want to be. But the most important thing that I would tell myself is that it is okay to not know where you are going in life. It is great to have a plan, but if you don't that’s okay too. College allows you to change your mind and try new things and really develop into the individual that you are going to be once you graduate.