Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Mansfield University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


If I could go back to high school in order to give myself some advice, I would tell myself to focus a little bit more on making friends my freshman year rather than focusing on school and work so much. I worked very hard in order to pay my tuition and excel in my courses. I don't regret this because I did very well, but I missed many opportunities to hang out with friends and relax. I would like to tell myself to make better friends in the first few months. Otherwise, I think I have made the right decisions so far and I will continue to work hard and focus on my school work as much as I can.


Discipline is an important concept that you must have in college because in high school there is not much discipline that you need to have in order to move forward because of the structure. If I could go back to High school I would start early on learning on how to discipline myself. For example , I can speak for myself when it comes to my international relations class I just cannot seem to some of the lessons that is taught in that class but I still discipline myself to sit and learn the lessons when I get to my dorm or when I have free time. Discipline will not only help you excel in your classes but all help root you for when you start your career you will have a set of skills to bring to the table when you are interviewed because you was able to teach yourself discipline.


If I could go back as a high school senior I would tell myself not to get too nervous and actually stay on campus more than I did. I made a lot of friends after I stayed on campus for a while and I wish I could have more time to hang out with them. I would tell myself to drop my psychology class and choose a different one because I had a tough time with it. I would assure myself I am going to do exellent in my art class even if I don't feel I am a true artist. I would give the advice of studying harder and watching less television. The last thing I would tell myself is to just go have fun, meet new people, don't work as much, and don't worry about spending time with your boyfriend you have the rest of your lives to be together be a teenager for now.


"Ashley, you are stonger than you could ever imagine. I want you to know that you can go into any new situation and flourish. You will be tried with many challenges and even though you may not believe it at the time, you will gain so much from these tribulations. Your future has many paths,the final goals and destinations may change but as long as you maintain your beliefs, values, and convictions nothing can stop you from attaining everything you dream of. Don't worry about making the wrong choices because that is inevitable, and honestly sometimes half the excitement. Get involved in as many things as you wish and don't second guess yourself when meeting new people. When you open yourself up you will attract some of the most important friendships you could ever ask for. Oh, and PLEASE dump him! He will only bring you down and waste your time. You'll find REAL true love soon enough so just focus on you. Also, don't forget the power of confidence, patience, and a smile! Just be you." That is what I would tell myself if I could go back in time to my senior year.


I have to make this quick, but take this advice seriously. You’ll thank me later. Lose the neon nail polish. It’s tacky. That bright orange sweatshirt Coach Polly got you? Sleep in it only. You think you want to go to a college with at least one of your best friends, but don’t. They’ll be your friend even at another school. Go to school far enough away that mom and dad won’t drop in to visit every weekend, but close enough that you won’t have to fly to get home. You’re scared now, I know it. But don’t worry, you’ll love going to school four hours away. You think now that maybe a big university like Penn State will be nice. Lots of people, football games, good education… stop thinking like that and accept that you are an introvert and a smaller school fits you best. Lastly, stop doubting whether or not you want to play basketball in college. It’s an experience of a lifetime. It will be the hardest year for you so far, both academically and athletically, but you can do it and you’ll do it well.


Assuming I could go back in time and talk to my self as a highschool senior I would tell myself to keep my head up and push through the college transition because it is not going to be easy , but it necessary in growing and becoming closer to an adult . I would give my self academic , social, and financial advice. I would tell my self to make time to study no matter what is going on, and not get caught up in the drinking that comes with college. I would explain to myself that college is different from highschool in regurds to the diversity, and I must be open to all different people with different backgrounds. Lastly, I would tell myself to save every penny that I could because college is not cheap and it takes quite a bit of money in order to be able to get a good education, and become successful in life. All in all what I know about the college life now and if I could go back in time and give my highschool self advice I would emphasize academic, social, and financial factors.


Understand how to utilize the university library. Emailing proffesors is important for success. Branch out and take classes that you might like. Utilize the guidance office in your high school. Remember that you might never see the people in your high school again, make the best of your last year.


If I could go back in time and give myself one piece of advice for the transition of going into college, I would want to be told of how important time management is. In college things are not handed to you. You need to work for things. You are not constantly reminded what you need to do and when things are due. In order to have a successful transition from high school to college, you need to be able to set times for every academic and nonacademic activity you are involved in. Come up with a calendar planning your days and weeks out. In this calendar, include everything that needs to be done that day. Make sure you allocate time for all of the homework, laundry, dishes, and friends and you still include down time for “you”. Downtime for you includes eating, showering, and sleeping. Time management is key to success.


If I were to go back and speak to my high school self, I would tell her to not be so afraid. Just breathe. It may seem overwhelming but you'll get the hang of it and you'll excel in college in ways that you did not in high school. Classes make sense now, and you're going to be less confused all of the time. You'll still be confused, because life is always confusing, but definitely less than in high school. One thing you should definitely do is start taking 18 credits a semester, sooner rather than later. Your advisor doesn't really have your future semesters in interest and is under the impression that you plan on being in college for 5 years, rather than four. Jokes on her. Just get the hard work out of the way early, and the rest of your college career will be smooth and enjoyable. And if you keep it up, you're going to be the best person in your major for your graduating class. Everyone else gives up because of the work load. Stand tall and march on.


Apply for scholarship early! Find out everything you can about college degrees! Don't slack and try to get the best possible GPA!