Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Mansfield University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself not to deny my own needs. Part of becoming an adult is learning how to take care of oneself. I ended up quitting and leaving my first college after a bout of depression. Returning home at that point was not the best choice because I became even more dependent on my parents for support. There was a lot more I could have done to prepare myself in high school to stop those things from happening in college. I could have applied for more scholarships so I could take charge of my education and pay for it myself. I could have applied to more schools instead of just the ones my friends pressured me into. I could have gone in my own direction instead of waiting for parental approval. In essence, I would have told myself to take the leap of faith and do what I really wanted to do. This would have made me a stronger person and a more independent adult.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice as a college senior, I would tell myself to sign up for as many scholarships as I could. Education is very difficult to pay for, especially in a poor economy. I would also encourage myself a little more. When I first left for school, I attended Hood College in Maryland for two years and ended up quitting because of a depression problem. Looking back, I never should have quit school; I should have gotten help for my problem. There are so many opportunities in this world if one is willing to fight for them and not give up. When I was younger, I did not fully understand this. Sometimes things do straighten themselves out with time, but you cannot rely on that. You have to take an active part in your destiny and not let opportunities pass you by.


There are many things which I would recommend to myself. First of all, I would tell myself to make sure that Mansfield was the right thing. I should have meet more people who came to Mansfield. Next, I would tell myself to make sure to buy more professional clothes before coming to school. To continue, I would tell myself to go to the gym more so I could be used to the schedule of not eating too much in Manser, the dining hall. Finally, I would tell myself to relax because you will find people who will accept yourself. I would also warn myself that you could get a roommate who can be horrible but to not give up because another roommate will come and be one of your best friends.


Finding the right college can take some time. My advice to students consists of two things. First, get to know the real you, think about your future. What kind of environment do you want to be in as you take your first step into college life? Second, stay focused. Once you know the environment and type of person you want to be, you need to apply it to the University that best relates. Parents, all you have to do is simply be there for your children. Let them know they are always welcome home when they need it, because they will. Now when the journey begins and you?re transitioning into the college lifestyle, BE YOURSELF! The worst thing you can do when making new friends is being fake. Going to college is the last chance to start your image off anyway you want it, but it needs to be the real you. In High School you may have been the geek or the athlete, and in college you may want to change that, go ahead. But be the person that is going to prove him or herself as a successful, smart, and characteristic individual, as you know you are.


A great idea is to do a lot of college "shopping". Comparing prices among every other important thing there is to know when looking for the right college. Definitely check out the campus before applying.


As a member of my school's Freshman Orientation Team, I have had the priviledge to introduce hundreds of new students to the school I call home. It has been a very rewarding experience and I have learned a lot. One of the most interesting parts of the job is that I get to see all these new, worried freshmen and their parents and am reminded of myself and my college search not too long ago. I am reminded of what I looked for in searching for the perfect college and the perfect college experience. If I were to advise a parent or student on this matter, I would tell them that the school they choose should fit the standards the student has set (quality of major, class size, student-teacher ratio, prices, financial aid, etc.) A student should not have to settle with a school that is below what they expect. I also advise to all of the incoming freshmen that to make the most of college, one should get involved. It is near impossible to be successful and have fun when you hide in a hole. Get out, get aquainted, get involved.


I think when kids are looking at college, the main focus is finding that the school has their particular major/minor focus. The social scene is also important at college. The program one may want, may be perfect, but the social scene may not be so nice. Remember that you're at college to learn , as well built possibly long-life friendships, so paying attention to the student body is also important. Another important thing to pay attention to is the professors. If you're a student that may struggle, one may prefer attending small classes where the professors can give more time than at a bigger university.


I would suggest that both parents and students not only look at the academic influence a school will have on them, but also the social benefits of the school. I enjoy Mansfield University because it is both a great place to learn and grow through education but also because I have made friendships that will last forever. Also, I would suggest looking at the teachers and their credentials. Students should make sure to talk to people who have attended any University they are looking into going to so that they know what to expect. Even better, visit as many colleges as possible so that a comparison can be made between many different school so that you can choose the one that is right for you. Also, remember that the school that is right for your best friend, might not be the right one for you. Make the decision that is best for you based on research and college visits; That is the best way to get to know the campus community and also make sure when you do make a decision it is the right one.


The advice I would give parents or students about finding the right college is to just go with what you feel best suits you. I would say to pay attention to the academic programs as well as the activities that are available to students and chose the college that has the programs that interest you most. I feel as though it really is all about what feels right to the particular person. In my case, as well as a lot of other people's cases, they just know when they get there that it is the right college for them. There are so many things to consider when attending a college, but don't let all of the options overwhelm you. You just have to look at the big picture. In order to make the most out of your college experience, you should not be afraid to try new things, take new classes, or attend campus events. Once you find the right college and get settled in, you really are in for a life changing experience that will brighten your future and your life.


The best advice i could give to prospective students and parents would have to be that you must visit the Universtiy of your choice. There should be no reason why you should not be able to experience your next possible school. Being able to visit the school gives the students a perspective no one else can provide for them. You can listen to everyone all you want about the school, but you are the only one that can make the decision for yourself for the school of your choice. Also while you are on a visit to the university try talking to potential teachers in your major in order to find out what golas they might have and what your future might hold at the school for your future career.