Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Mansfield University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


Beings though I am now a sopohmore in college I always thought about what I would say to myself as a high school senior. If I could go back in time and give myself adivce there would only be three points of advice I would give. The first point of advice would be to use all the help, tutors, and advisors the school provides for you. As a freshman during my first semester I thought I could do it all on my own, but soon I learned that the help and tutors were there for a reason. Getting help when it's right there in front of your face can really boost you as a student. Second point would be to get involved in campus activities. Meeting new people and doing new things will open your eyes to the world around you. Getting involved on campus also reminds you that college still can be fun after all the work is done. The last point of advice I would give is to never take your education for granted. Now that I am a sopohmore I've seen so many people slack off and in return get there education stripped form them.


I've been a student at Pinnacle Career (PCI) Institute for over nine months now studying to become a personal trainer. I am really pleased with my school because it has taught me valuable tools in order to secure a career in the fitness world. When I first started studying my courses online I found it at first overwhelming because of the complexity of the different subjects I had to learn such as anatomy or kinesiology. PCI has helped me change my thinking patterns by suppressing any negative thoughts I've had and replacing them with positive ones, using the method of positive self talk; because your subconscious accepts whatever you are telling yourself whether it is negative of positive. Most people never get to achieve their full potential because of the negativity they are surrounded with throughout their lives and thus leaving them with a low self esteem. I've overcame the feelings of low self esteem by changing my thinking patterns which have helped me successfully undertake tough courses which are associated with personal training.


Throughout my undergraduate years at Mansfield University the courses I choose to further my understanding and knowledge will not be restricted to simply nursing. I foresee the pinnacle of my educational experience as earning a master’s degree, subsequent to receiving my Bachelor’s of Science degree in Nursing. Not only will I continue to apply myself in an educational milieu, I will maintain the same personal characteristics as a member and treasurer and secretary of Mansfield University’s cheerleading squad. Additionally, as part of the Mansfield University Nursing Association, I will unselfishly devote my time to aiding those in need. Part of my volunteerism is spending four hours a week with Broad Acres Nursing Home located in Mansfield, Pa. During these hours, when I can give back to others, defines why exactly I am pursuing a degree in nursing. Nursing is the backbone of the medical industry and I hope to provide medical assistance to individuals in need to improve their overall well-being. The gracious award and acceptance of the Campus Discovery scholarship will financially aid my future aspirations and endeavors, reinforce my involvement in collegiate activities, and will be a force behind my motivation for academic excellence.


The most useful resource I have received from my college experience is the liberal arts knowledge. This school requires two years of study in liberal arts for every degree. Liberal arts can be useful in many ways. For instance, with the immigration of Mexicans into the US increasing every year, a student who took Spanish in college will have a more beneficial resume than a person who has never taken Spanish. Liberal arts can be useful for many other reasons as well.


I come from a single parent family with not much money. I am looking for every way possible to find was to help pay for my college tuition. I want to achieve goals, which my neither parents nor brothers have achieved and become a successful person in life. I work full-time as a labor for a mason and attend classes in the afternoon. Working and attending classes is a huge stress load, but I find a way to manage my time to study and make good grades. I have received quite a number of career building skills while my time in college. I feel school and education is a must in life and a major need in our world today. I see so many people with out degrees and with out a future and it just infuriates me to a point that it lights a fire inside me to not become one of those ones that say” I wish I would have stayed in school”. I have a hard time paying for school but I will never give up my pursuits. No matter how long it takes me, I will achieve the goals I have set in my life.


College has opened up a new world for me. It has made me strive for the best in life. It also has been a wonderful experience for me because I have met so many wonderful people of all ages and backgrounds. College is a place for people who want to do something great with their lifes. College has been valuable to me because it has given me an opportunity to succeed. It helps people with difficult lifes because they can escape from the stress at home and go off to college and make a difference in their lifes.


Out of my college experience, I've learned how to adapt. Not only to the intense weather, but to the ever changing moods and personalities this university has within. Before coming to college I already knew I had the skills to succeed, and coming here has helped me build and solidify all of them. I believe this is, in part, due to the faculty. I'm a music education major, so I'm around all of the faculty on a regular basis. I've gotten to be very close with some professors; some of whom have become like fathers to me. The faculty-student relationship is one of respect, admiration, and companionship which is something that I'll take away and cherish from this university forever.


The people and professors here are great. This is a fantastic learning environment that is different and better than high school in every way. This college is small which means you will get to know a good deal of people. For a college that is far removed from what you might term "civilization" there is plenty to do here. You will find a club or organization or activity that suits your interests undoubtedly. If Mansfield doesn't have the club you are interested in you are encouraged to start it yourself and people will gladly get behind you. The quality of education here is great and professors will do anything possible to make sure you learn the material and are well suited for your career. I LOVE Mansfield!


I gained valuable experience in my field, and learned everything from the importance of professionalism, to the process a musician has to go through to achieve mastery of their instrument. I also made a numerous friends and professional contacts which still are a great personal and professional resource. I also learned about the value of research in my field, and how that research can help a person not only in their own self-improvement but also in the improvement of their peers and students. For these reasons I plan to attend a University at the Graduate level to increase my knowledge base and experience, so that I can be a better instructor at the collegiate level. For me being a part of a college or university community is like being a part of a family that encourages each other to increase their expertise in their chosen field. So because of this I look forward to many more years of self improvement at Collegiate and University level and helping my students to achieve similar results!


Being in college have open my eyes up to what the real world will be like. This is my first step from being on my own. With college I am learning how to manage my time and stress. I am responsible for getting up and go to class and for getting all my work done. I also learn that sometime you have to put friends and families aside and focus on what you need to do. So far being in college have been stressful and hard, but I am learning how to maintain it. It has been valuable to attend college because it shows that I would like to further my education and become successful in the future.