College startled me. It was so free, so liberating. And, as many other students normally do within their first semester or two at any college or university, I took advantage of that freedom, skipping classes and doing enough just to get by. This worked well for me, but not for long. The classes I had to take next were more challenging. More of my professors were actually depending on me, EXPECTING me to give my all. At first, I ignored the changes, continuing to focus on laziness and leisure. As a result, my grades started slipping. My work ethic was becoming...disgusting. My sense of responsibility - slowly vanishing into complete nonexistence. I was losing myself to a lifestyle of destruction, "do-nothingness." College brought me to a crossroads in my life, one path heading towards success, the other to complete failure. I saw where I was headed, and it looked nothing like the future I wanted for myself. So I changed - my mindset, my goals, my passions, me. And now, I am a completely new person. College helped me realize that my successes and failures today will have a definite impact tomorrow. I cannot allow lethargy to rule my life.
The variety of cultures has engaged me to understand and have a better perspective of others. Also it has widened my horizons when it comes to the career of my choice and it has given me the opportunity of experimenting other major that perhaps I wouldn’t have tried them.
College has been a great experience, although it does have its tough times there have also been great times. I'm a very school orientated driven person and I always do well in anything I strive to succeed in, and I plan on continuing to do my best. Going to this campus has helped me grow into an adult and taught me to be able to handle things on my one without the help of an adult figure. I feel more independent now than before attending college and I believe college helps you to become your own person so that you know how to stand on your own two feet. College is an experience everyone should stress on themselves because not only does it help you to grow educationally but is also helps you grow personally. I believe I am more mature and responsible now and I'm proud to feel this way.
I am currently taking courses that have a primary focus in my career field. These studies have helped me on the job to better my troubleshooting skills and resolving customer issues. Attending the business classes will help with my future plans of advancement within the company I work for.
College has taught me how to become a more responsible person, I dealt with a lot of procrastination that threw me off at first but I am now able to handle it better. I make use of the time I have because I know that "free time" is time borrowed and it has to be returned. That old saying, "nothing is free in this world," has really gotten to me. Everything is coming out of my own pocket which means I have to step it up a notch to make it all worthwile. The experience is challenging, but going through it makes me learn things I always took for granted and it has helped me appreciate things more. So far college is an edventure that has many trails; I'm the explorer and college is the jungle, I'm moving forward to get myself through this jungle, to get myself to my goals. College is radical!!
I've gotten out great experiences from college. I've met new people and have established great relationships. I've learned numerous subjects in less than a year and still have time to work. I've had the chance to chose the teachers and classes i want according to the schedule I want. Also, I've gained more responsibility as a person by attending all my classes and having perfect attendance and mantaining a good GPA. College has made me a well rounded individual, having gained more knowledge and meeting different people from different cultures. I am thankful for my college experience.
Attending the Honors College at Miami Dade College, I have been exposed to many opportunities and have been developed into a productive student ready to transfer to a prestigious school of higher learning. They have provided me with sufficient monetary aid and a scholarship for attending the school. I have met many wonderful individuals and a community as close-nit as a family and friends for life.
I'm a freshman in college so my opinion tends to focus on comparing it with high school. Before my schedules were made for me. However, now I can make my own and choose the classes and professors that will best suit me. Also, whether I attend classes is my own responsibility now. Not only that, colleges require semester payments, teaching me how to take out loans and handle money responsibly. Because of all this freedom, I learned that I will have to be very responsible not to let this new independence shift my focus. Instead of taking easy classes, to be the best at what I do means taking challenging ones. The amount of workload is less, so I have less chances of making up for a bad grade, conveying that I need to show consistency. Consistency will prepare me for a competitive world full of challenges.
My short college experience has taught me that freedom equals responsibility and if I want to achieve my goal, I will need to take each moment into consideration and learn from it because it will help me grow and be a better person.
That lesson is the most valuable of them all.
Attending a two year community college has benefited me, because they have classes throughout the day. I was able to attend college and work towards my degree while going to work full time. It has also been very inexpensive for me to attend. Time is money and money is time, and community college has helped me save both. By going to night classes, community college has helped me realize that it doesn't matter who old you are; you can still go to college to better yourself.
I’ve gotten a chance to experience firsthand that there is no easy ways out and that hard work will pay off at the end. I have able to test and push myself further than I thought that I could have went and I am a stronger person and a stronger thinker. I have been open to different opportunities and organizations. A majority of people when entering college they feel lost and being here you do find yourself and you get the chance to find things as well as people that fit you. College is a great awaking from the transitional process of high school. The knowledge acquired in college is amazing; it forces you to think more abstractly. With time I gotten to learn that college is an investment plan for the near future and if you think that it’s all play and games, then you have to reconsider coming because college slaps you in the reality of the world and shows you that you must be more responsible and independent.