If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior with the knowledge that I have now about college life and making the transition I would have prepared myself with the financial support to be able to pay for my college tuition. As a high school senior, I though I had everything planed out. I knew I wanted to work in the health care profession. I enjoy being a caregiver and making a difference in people?s life. One thing I failed to think about was how I was going to pay for my education. I thought by working a full time job I would be able to pay for my studies, but when I got accepted into the program I applied for, I was unable to work full time and still go to school. I have applied for financial aid, but due to my past w-2, I was only award a small amount of money. If I would have known this would happen, I would have opened a savings account when I started working and put aside some money each month so that I wouldn?t be in this stressful situation now.
If I were to go back in time I would tell myself to concentrate on my studies and not procrastinate on anything in my life. Because of this is why I am in school so late. But thank God that it's better late than never.
?Focus on your future. It?s fine to continue to be an average teenager and have fun, but apply for scholarships so that you won?t have to worry about money for college in addition to passing your classes. I would also suggest you study just a bit for those AP tests. You only need one more point on that AP Literature test to get another three credits for college that you won?t have to pay for. Thirty minutes of studying a day wouldn?t hurt your social life in the least. Also, study a bit for the SAT. You only need 20 more points to get the Bright Futures Florida Academic Scholars award. I?m not saying that if you don?t do any of this, your life is going to turn out horrible. It really isn?t bad at all. It would simply ease a few burdens off your shoulders while you get through college a bit faster than usual so that you can move onto the ?real world.? The ?real world? may not sound that great right now, but by the time you get to college, believe me, it?ll start sounding a whole lot better."
I would say Irving, you are smart you could finish with the highest in your class. Get involved. Root for school attend more school event like pep rallies, football games and school plays. Be part of a clubs or an extra activitie, and or play a sport it will give you a chance to know other students you might not otherwise meet in your classes and it look good on college applications. Don?t rely on rumors you hear from other students; if you have a question about what is or isn?t allowed, ask a counselor or a teacher. Plan for college early and get the highest gpa that you can. If you do all what i have told you it would make your highschool experience much more full-filling.
If I would have the chance to rewind the time and think about all that I am going through, I will change lots of things like putting more effort in school, giving my best to have the best grades and be competitive to obtain awards and recognitions that I am going to be able to use later on my life. Also be very well inform about options about differents careers, courses etc and be able to create more interest in myself to make of me a better person and that way be a sucessful person in life. I think If I was still in high school I would now realized after I graduate I would have to focus on important things like my professional life to build an excellent career to reach the goals I set myself for and that way also I would more mature and have responsibility for what its good for me.
Knowing what i know now, the number one advice that i would give myself without a second thought would be to do everything early! no procrastinating what so ever! There were times in my senior year that i would write essays the night before it was due. That's a BIG no no in college. Another life saving advice that i lacked very much in my senior year is the art to prepare. You cant just jump out of a flying plane without a parachupe! you must see where your going, equip yourself and then execute, it will make your transition and your life so much easier. And of course staying focused on my goal will be another little tip that i would wisper to myself whenever times get hard. :)
In high school I was a very immature person I was raised in a very sheltered environment; I was blind to the reality of being an adult, and the hard reality of life. I moved out of my mother?s house on my eighteenth birthday, and I walked into this world not knowing what to expect. In college I experience many new things some were good, while some were also bad, and if I had the opportunity to go back in time and tell myself anything I would say, ?Hey! There are a lot of hard times ahead, but keep your head up, and do not slack off because it will be worth it in the end.?
There are several advice that I would give myself if I could talk to myself as a senior in high school.The main advice would be to know whats proirties and stucking to it. For example: Having homework or a paper due but didnt do it because you went to party.
" we all have done it" Those types of habits come from being so use to doing that, knowing whats proirties and sticking to it. Its so important in collgege because you want to do well and graudate. Thats the one advice I would give myself because being in college is way more intense than high.
When thinking back to senior year, I can remember lots of stressing out, test taking, studying, and deadlines. Today, I always think about how much I worried that year and never took enough time out to reward and let myself know, everything will be alright. Senior year I would constantly be telling myself I had to be of equal value or higher as my sisters. I would always think I couldn't fall in a lower category. The day my school of choice told me I needed to go to community college for two years before coming to my guaranteed spot at their school, my heart dropped. I was at a lower level than my sisters. But today I'm glad it all happened because I love my school and I'm finding out through time and classes what exactly I'll declare my major as once I graduate my last year at school. All the stressed out nights could have been lived without if I just would have not worried about being like my sisters.
If I had the opportunity go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I don't think that I would. I might have encouraged myself to do as I had done, for if I had done anything differently I would have missed many beautiful experiences that taught me much about my life. I may have saved myself grief but I think it's best to let life play out without interference.
The year that I would have been a college freshman, I was a senior in an online high school. I decided to work at a Rape Crisis center as a community organizer. I learned about the suffering of humans and how they can be helped. I learned more about myself than I would've imagined. I developed a strong sense of justice and longing to spread compassion to all humans.
I cherish the lessons I learned and would not change them. That being said, if I could talk to my senior self, I would opt out. There is nothing I would've told myself as it would be pointless to tell myself to do as I would.