Miami Dade College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Miami Dade College know before they start?


Going back in time and talking to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to do more research on the career that I want to choose. In reality, I started out attending one college, a four year university, with one specific major that required a 9 month unpaid internship upon completion of the program. In addition, the base salary for that profession, according to the Bureau Labor of Statistics, was less than that of my current major, Diagnostic Medical Sonography. I would advise myself as a senior to take into consideration the state of the economy and predict what it would be like when I graduate. Then, with this consideration, I would advise myself to choose my career based on the road I'd take to get there compared to the financial benefit and flexibility at the end. Will the end result of this career be worth the effort I put into it? I would also advise myself to consider also the demand for my chosen career based on the economy and the needs of others. I believe that this will help seniors to make a well balanced decision.


I would tell myself that the more school activities you get involved in, the better. Voluntary work and giving back to the community is also very important.


High School days are the best in ones life as this involves nurturing of personality, having the right attitude, modification of character and discipline. During school days one is driven to expose potential which enables a person to take up and face new challenges, however, one might face challenges which can include peer pressure and can be driven astray. Hence an individual will also be able to know who s/he is by defining their goals, ambitions and mapping the way forward on how best to achieve them. High School is the spring board to tertiary education therefore one has to excel in order to get to the next level. College life is the foundation of ones career, as you can be very independent and become more vulnerable to real life situations. There could be rampant drug abuse, prostitution, exposure to criminal activities or the establishment of strong political links. One can however be affiliated to Christian life or other social activities. This is an informal group where personal and social needs are met. High School life is a process of digging up a foundation and the deeper one excavates the stronger the structure built during college life.


If I were to go back in time knowing what I know now about college life , I would tell myself don't be like others thinking that you have to go to college for someone else. Do it for yourself Megan. Everybody usually starts school as soon as they graduate and my friends ended up quiting college because they wished they would have started later. Don't jump because someone pressures you. Megan you can go to college when you feel your up to ,you don;t want to go early and end up quiting,that's not what kind of person you are! Don;t hesitate to ask people questions about college , you need to know as much as you can before you enter the llife of being a college freshman! Apply for financial aid, and scholarships too. Just don't be afraid , like I was. Megan here are some last words of advice, "Open up,explore the college life,have fun with college ,trust yourself to good and it will happen."


If I had the opportunity to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to apply to a variety of schools instead of one. As a high school senior, I did not really think about where I wanted to go for college because I had an older sister who had applied at the University five miles away from my house. I had my mind set on attending the same University as her because it seemed easier and normal to follow her footsteps. However, when school finally begun, I was excited to start new things and personally grow as an adult. I was shocked when the transition from high school to college seemed very alike and routine. I wish I had the opportunity to experience college outside of home. If I had the opportunity to do it all over again and advise anyone in high school, I would tell them to apply to a variety of Universities out of state in hopes to experience self maturity and grow as a person. Dream big and never settle for less. You have the opportunity to write the pages in your life.


If I had the chance to go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior there are a few things I would like to tell myself. First off, I would tell myself to focus on my school work and studying more than anything else. When I began college I noticed that I had to become more independent than what I was in highschool because it is not the same and it is not as easy as highschool. My college professors are much tougher than my highschool teachers. I would also tell myself to join clubs and organizations which will help me communicate more with other people. Throughout highschool I always had my main group of friends and never bothered making friends or even communicating with others. Now that I am in college I dont have my bestfriends around anymore and it is a little difficult for me to open up to others and have a conversation with someone else. Many people would love to go back in time knowing what they know now but all you can do is live and learn from past experiences.


I would tell myself don't leave my school and spend all that money at an online college. That I should pace myself and Major in Sign Lauguage Interpretation because it's a good field. I would also say that many people stress themselves out with the work (D.S.J.A.)= "Don't Stress Just Address."


The best advice I could give myself would be to show a snapshot of how my life ended up without a college degree. I have two wonderful children and a great husband, but I find myself now without any skills set and nothing to offer a company and nothing to call a career. I also would tell myself that times are tough, subjects get tougher but to stick through it and ask for help. Teachers, tutors or fellow classmates are key to the success of your completion.


I will get as much information as posible, go to see an advisor .Take the right classes, sometimes you take classes that you dont have to take and you waste your time and money.Study very hard, never give up because your future depends completely on your education.Education is the key to everything and it should be the number one priority of every student.


Listen Odette, stop procrasting and pay attention!! Time will slip right by you quicker than you can ever imagine. Twenty years from now you will be elated knowing that you put your best efforts in following thru with your college education. Study hard now and do not stop, DO NOT GIVE UP!! This is your last year in high school, a new venture will soon begin and the decisions you make now will forever affect your future. Have you stoppped to notice your parents lately? Have you seen how HARD they are working to make sure you are able to go to college without any worries. Allow them the joy to see you complete this dream. Give it your all now or life will slip you by.