Michigan State University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Michigan State University accurate?


There are definitely those who choose to get out of control, and it's unfortunate that these select few ruin MSU's reputation as a first-class institution. The vast majority of us here are serious about what we do. We know how to have fun, but most of us are smart enough not to let it interfere with grades.


- Both of these stereotypes are inaccurate. - MSU students are extremely intelligent and study hard. Partying is done occasionally and not more than any other school. - UofM and MSU both have programs in which they are strong in. For example, UofM has no journalism program so MSU is definitely the superior choice in that category.


No, i have found the exact opposite. If you are not a driven student there are pits and cracks you can fall into however this can happen at any school in my opinion.


MSU students do know how to have fun but they are also very serious about their college career. During finals week you cannot even find a table at the numerous libraries across campus or at the union.


yes! When it comes to riots however, 2/3 of all students arrested are not from MSU. They are visiting from other colleges. So MSU students are wild.... but we are also not stupid.


A stereotype is by definition a generalization. So to ask if these stereotypes are accurate is asking if the generalization applies to everyone and to that I would say no. Does it apply to even the majority? Certainly not. It is what the media likes to portray that causes these stereotypes.


To an extent, yes.


Not always, I never drink, but thats the lifestyle I chose. I think there are lots of good people at MSU too.


1. Not ALL MSU students drink and party. As with any school, you will encounter all walks of life and life choices. 2. When was our last riot? 3. I wholly disagree! The campus is laid out very smartly! 4. YES!

