Michigan State University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Michigan State University accurate?


While there's definitely A LOT of partying, the academics here can't be beat. It's challenging and you'll have to push yourself, which means students can't party their way through this college and expect to graduate.


The partying is accurate we do love getting rowdy, but we all are great students and take it very seriously. The library is packed during the week when it needs to be. I guess we just have good time management skills so we can party a lot and still pull off those good grades!


for the most part


I would say the average person drinks and there are more partiers here than at most schools. I think we party more regularly. As for the whole dumb issue, there are dumb people at every school. And I've had a lot in my classes. I think we're just more social based people instead of academic based people and that shows because we do end up getting good jobs. We're good with people and for any new job you have to be. It is a pretty diverse campus. But we do start pointless riots I guess, so who knows?


no, well... kind of. I think those who have there head on straight can party hard and do well in classes at all levels. There is a vibe at the school that you just get your work done and party when you can. It comes off as easier because MSU kids are bred to not stress or complain so much about work loads and balancing time. We just get it done. That's what the real world is about, balance, and MSU students are the best at that.


Pretty much.


Partly, there is a great deal of partying and rowdyness, and the MSU administration does not control this sufficiently.


Not really. MSU students don't really spend any more time partying than students at other schools. With regard to rioting MSU students aren't usually the main people involved in riots.


Yes and kind of. There is a huge party atmosphere whether its just the weekend or a football saturday.


From what I experienced, it's true -- the MSU Nursing program lacks integrity.