Relax and breathe, this is the beginning of the best four years of your life. Get adequate information about the schools you are applying to, and pick many schools in which to send your application. Your first year is going to be fantastic. You will make friends that will help you along the way and stay with you for life. Take a variety of classes so you can become well-rounded in different areas. Study hard because GPA needs to stay high if you plan to attend graduate school in the future. If you can, focus on school if you are not required to work. Barely getting by is not going to help you in the end when you have to demonstrate your knowledge on a subject. Remember, work hard, and it will all pay off in the end. Most importantly, enjoy yourself and your time in college.
If i could go back in time i would tell myself to stop slacking off. That we only get once chance to do things right in what we want to do for the rest of our lifes. I would tell my self not to take my education that im getting for granted.
If I could talk to myself when I was a senoir in highschool I would give myself advice without ruining the excitement of living the college life. I would tell him to get plenty of sleep and not procrastinate when you need to get work done. I would let him know to be as social as possible and expand his network of friends because they can be extrememly helpful not only with school work but to keep him relaxed and happy as well. College can be overwhelming at times and sometimes a little help from a friend is all one needs to not get in over his head. As for everything else I would let myself just go with it because not knowing what I have experienced is the best part of my stay at Middle Tennessee State University.
If I could give myself advice as a high school senior, I would tell myself to start thinking about what makes me happy, not my friends. I would let myself know that effort is the most important thing when it comes to doing good in school. I would make sure I was practicing good study habits and focusing on the things that matter most in relation to my future happiness. I would tell myself to start researching different universities; that way I would be certain which college suited me the best. I would advise myself to start finding ways to earn scholarships; and how much it means to know you earned your future.
If I could go back in time, I would be more focused on my future plans. I would spend less time socializing and more time studying. I would take more classes that would prepare me for college level work. I would have given a great deal of thought regarding goal setting and self ifentification. Often times, we go through life trying to please others, while not realizing that what others want for you may not be what you desire for yourself. Therefore, I would look at different fields of study in order to know which direction it is that I want to go. I would visit several colleges, ask every question, seek advise from counselors, and thereby make the decision regarding wgat the first step into my future would be.
You?re almost done with high school and want to go to college, but you?re thinking of maybe waiting twenty years. Let me clue you in on a few things. Sure, you can join the military and get married, but you can also get divorced, remarried, and divorced again and find yourself out of the military, out of a job, and pushing forty. Trust me, I?ve been down that road for you already. So, take my advice; finish your homework and get your head wrapped around going to college. It?s not so bad. At least in college you can focus on learning about the things that you are most passionate about. Then, if you decide you still want to join the Army and get married at least you will have a college degree to fall back on if you find yourself in the same bad relationships.
Doubtlessly, I had (or rather have) the same problem college students everywhere experience: knowing who I am, and finding what I truly want. Back in high school, I heard from countless people to be true to myself, but I had no grasp of what that meant. I ignored those people and insulated myself from their lessons. Like so many teenagers, I thought I already knew enough to get through life.
There is little advice for me to give to this conceited teenager. Sound advice requires truth and answers, of which I have little. How could I give my old know-it-all self advice when I understand so little now? And yet, this IS my advice to myself: you must think about how much you really know. Lessons cannot be simply memorized, they must be understood. Don?t merely accept an answer, ask a question! For me, this is the only way to truly learn. Since I?ve been at college, I?ve begun to ask real questions about my life and self, and real answers have started to emerge. I?ve realized that I know far less than I had thought. And I?ve become sincerely happier for it.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have told myself to focus on school and work on my study habits. Once you form habits in high school, its hard to break them in college. I would also tell myself to choose recording industry as a my first major, instead of psychology, so that I would not waste time and credit hours - so that I would have a better chance of graduating in four years.
I would say to myself, I know you are spontanuase and like to see were things take you but please go look at the schools before you decide to attened one. The first college you attened you are going to hate you can't take a city girla nd put her in the country. Setting is an important part of a learning community.
Keep at it. Strive for excellence. You are a smart person and are capable of achieving so much if you put your mind to it. Jump on any and all opportunities to earn scholarships, jobs, activities, and events at the university and in the community. You will love MTSU so look forward without fear. Don?t worry too much about signing up for classes, in the end, things will work themselves out. Befriend professors in your department; they will be a huge help and valuable assets as friends. They will provide many opportunities and help open doors for you. Just have fun. There is such variety at MTSU that you will be exposed to many new things, however don?t be afraid of something just because it is different from what you are used to. You will meet new people and gain incredible new friends who will be extremely supportive. You will excel at MTSU, so hold your head up high and smile. Just be yourself and you will have few regrets.