If I could go back in time and give myself some advice about college I would start by telling myself to believe in yourself and that you are smart beautiful and capable of doing all that you set your mind to. Then I would tell myself that I have to work hard and don't let circumstances stand in your way. I would say don't let people intimidate you. You are just as good as anyone else out there and in some cases better. The transition is all in what you make it and people will learn to love you so don't change for anyone. Trust God in all that you do and remember to keep him first. He will lead and guide you through as long as you trust him. Don't be in a rush to experience the real world it's not going anywhere and you still have a lot to learn about yourself. Be open to what people have to say there is a lot that you can learn from others but you have to listen and don't be quick to judge. People are who will get you where you need to be.
Don't give up. Study hard and don't be scared to go out and make new friends at your college. Make sure you go to class everyday unless sick. Do all your homework and have fun.
"Hey Bill. I'm you from the future. We need to talk."
"Yeah? What about?"
"Your future, stupid. First off, all those loans you're getting for school, you need to remember that you have to pay them back, so don't screw around. I know, I know...You're going to say you'll study, but you won't. You'll spend too much time on girls, parties, and trying to fit in. Don't. You'll fit in naturally and you don't need to impress anyone. Make a schedule and stick to it. Grade yourself on your schedule at the end of the week and reward yourself if you have kept to it. All those pretty girls you see at school you can completely ignore, because the girl you marry doesn't even attend this college. Get a job on campus and lose the bagboy job; it doesn't help you going forward. You will fail out, guaranteed, if you do not put more time into studying your first 3 semesters."
"Oh, and one more thing. Join a rec soccer team. It turns out you actually pretty good at it!"
As you make the transition from high school to college, just know things will be completely different. You have to become more responsible. Studying, a job, and sleep are all necessary. The dollar menu, Ramen noodles, and the school cafeteria, once despised, will become your best friends. Pay attention your senior year in order to do the best you can. Apply for at least three colleges, every job possible, and as many scholarships as you can find and then some. And don't believe anyone when they say, "You won't miss home."
If I could go back to being in high school I would tell my self to relax. It is pointless to worry about what your school mates think about you. There are many different people in college and you will easily find someone who is intrested in the same things that you are. I would also remind myself that when applying for schools apply to the schools you want to get into, not the ones your friends are applying to. High school is not the most important or fun time of your life. The most important and fun time of your life is college. In college you start to realize what is important and work towards something you love and want to do for the rest of your life.
A final thing I would tell my self is to study more. Partying is only fun at the time you are doing it, afterwards it seems like a waiste of your time. The more you study the easier school will be and the more relaxed and unstressed you will be.
If I could go back and give myself advice, it would be to take the time and work harder to make it into my dream colleges. When I heard about Tennessee's lottery scholarship, my family convinced me to stay in the state to go to school so I could take advantage of the state lottery paying for my college education. But I had no intention of staying in the state to go to school. My dreams were to go to Harvard or George Washington University in St. Louis, MO. However, my family has always had money trouble and there was no way they could possibly afford to send me to one of those schools. Towards the end of my junior year in high school I got completely discouraged about making it into my dream school, and settled for Middle Tennessee State University. Although I am glad I chose MTSU and am in my current major, I wish I had given myself the option to go to the places I had always dreamed about instead of letting money make my decision for me.
The advice i would give to my self wouldd be to pay attention life is no joke! Be serious and attend don't waste time and go to college as soon as possibe. I am 28 years old and if I knew then what I know now I would have been a whole lot better off
Knowing what I know, I would tell myself the important of focus and concentration on my work in order to qualify for more of the academic programs offered by the University and in order to not build bad habits that would be harder to break later.
I would tell myself, Margaret, there are doors out there open for me to succeed in Life. I would ask: the chosen career i have decided upon, well, am i sure? Yes, i will make this decision based on the fact and truth, knowing, that i wish to accomplish goals in my Life to have a professional job, this job will be my Life Long Chosen Career. I tell myself, that i am young and have my whole Life ahead of me TO BE WHAT I CHOOSE. Having Faith in GOD and in this career i chose. Accept that open door, learn this wisdom. I tell myself this: making important decisions will effect you, your family(s), your WHOLE LIFE, your whole being, that will last you a lifetime, right decisions with GOD, good knowlegeable College courses and classes filled with information that one can understand and comprehend WITH KNOWING that upon College Graduation that this job, this career i so chose that i WILL SUCCEED. I said to myself, do not give up on this dream. Enter this open door. Think positive. Learn all i can. Have fun learning. Stay positive. Grow with GOD in College to FOREVER SUCCEED!
If I could go back in time and give myself advice I would tell myself that college is not easy. High school is there to prepare you for college. If you do not take advantage of the lessons being taught through high school, college is not going to be easy. College is something that you have to commit yourself to. I have always heard my parents talk about how college year's are the best years of your life. College is a blast, but if you don't buckle down and really study college will not last long. As an incoming freshman I was very nervous. College life has been a completely new experience for me. It was difficult to transition from living at home to being on my own. The transition to college has really made me grow as a person and become a lot more responsible for my own actions.