The purpose of college is to gain an education necessary to be a successful member of society. However, more than acadmic knowledge is required. College is supposed to offer the student a relatively safe and secure environment in which to explore independence and life as a young adult. The parent should make sure that the student realizes the necessity of being successful in areas both academic and social while in college, because if the student cannot learn to be successful and responsible in college, then the life in the "real world" will only be harder. Whatever area the student decides to focus on, the helpfulness and friendliness of the faculty is crucial. How knowledgeable are they about the career options available to their students? Are they willing to help students find internship and job opportunities? If they are not personable during campus visits, they cannot be trusted with the advising of the student. The same goes for their level of knowledge. If they do not sound like they know what they are talking about, chances are they do not. No one should ever belittle a student committed to their own success, especially one with a PhD attached to their name.
The best advice that I can give for selecting a college is to look at academic options first, and then financial ones. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the university I originally intended to that has a major I am more interested in (ecology) because it is out-of-state and costs more money. Yes, money is a factor, but I would rather go into debt now and end up doing something I enjoyed, rather than spending my life debt-free but being unhappy with my occupation. A degree lasts forever, so you mine as well get it in what you want!
Now, I am not saying that a family who lives below the poverty line should sell all their posessions so their son or daughter can go to a university that costs $40,000 a year, because obviously we all have to be somewhat realistic. I am just saying be careful about limiting your selection based on money alone, because the money you save will not buy you happiness later if you regret your decision.
Thank you for your consideration in this scholarship award.
Cody Jordan
I would say make sure that you are ready for college and that you major in something that you want to do and something that will benfit you later on in life.
When I was a senior in high school looking at colleges, I was overwhelmed by my college decision. I visited schools in-state and out-of-state and once I visited Mississippi State I knew I would be going there. I felt comfortable there and they offered degrees that interested me. It is very important that you are knowledgeable about the different degrees offered at the college you choose just in case you change your major. I think students should feel at home when they are looking for the right college because your college becomes your home away from home. As for making the most of your college experience, you will get out of it what you put into it. I suggest getting involved. If you like to have a busy social life join a sorority or fraternity. The Greek system is great for meeting people! No matter your interests, find the group of people you share them with and your college experience will be so memorable! When you find the right college, enjoy it because your time goes by too quickly.
Find a college that suits what it is you plan on doing with your life. Going to a school that is known for its parties is fun, but not a good choice for your future. Pick a degree plan and then locate the college that is known for their sucess in that field of study. Explore various options, and chose the one that you feel suits your needs the best. Be sure to balance both the fun aspect of college and the studious aspect. In most situations you can not spend all your time playing around and expect to be sucessful in a degree plan. At the same time alsways spending your time studying is going to take away from your college experience that you will more then likely only go through once. Don't waste it by neglecting your school work, but don't waste it by not enjoying it.
Go to the school and see how you are treated by the staff and stundents. Also, reserch news articles to see what has been going on in the school recently to see if they are getting involved in things that you are interested in being involved with. The most important thing to look at is if you are looked at as an individual or as a list of stats on a piece of paper.
The advice I would give parents and students about finding the right college is to do their research first. College is a lifetime experience and is the beginning of all things. College is gateway to success. The process of finding the right college is important in a child's life because each college does not offer the same courses at the same rates. If the parents guide their children with finding the right college with the right offers or benefits will alleviate much stress. Prospective students and their parents should take tours of the schools to observe the atmosphere of the college and get acquainted with campus. Prospective individuals who wants to attend college should make the most of the college experience. College is a special time for individuals to make long-life friends, gain networking capabilities, and receive a higher education to make something of themselves. A person's college experience onlyu comes once and goes by fast, so parents need to encourage their child to be extroverted and make friends, and to get involved in extracurricular activities, but be safe in the process. Students need to have fun but take the college experience seriously to get their education.
Honestly, I would tell students and parents that if you or your student are not sure of what he/she wants to do for a major, then seriously consider looking into Community Colleges first. They are a good way to get your basic courses out of the way, and also they allow students to get a better grasp of what they want to do with their lives. Once you choose a college, do your work. Go to classes, take notes, ask for help if you need it. Many students feel anxious about seeking help from their professors, but they'll find that most professors are more than willing to help if their students go to them. Get involved on campus, whether it be with a sport, the Greek system, or even starting your own club. You'll feel more at home that way, and chances are, you'll find other people that have the same interests as you do. Most importantly, be yourself, and if you don't know who you are yet, then college is a very good time to figure that out. Follow your dreams. They are a lot closer than you might think.
Research each and every possibility carefully before choosing a college.
As with any student going off to college I suggest making a trip to campus and getting to know people. Parents should always try to be as knowledgeable as possible and helpful with their childs decision. If you have any questions never be afraid to ask. Many schools have things or programs they are known for but that never means that is the only type of person who should go there. Always follow your heart and mind and you will always be happy wherever you end up!