Mississippi State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Mississippi State University know before they start?


Don't just look for academics. Yes, they are important, but students need to feel like they are at the right place for them to succed well. Go search the city the college is in and make decisions about it as well. Learn about the traditions of the school and then add those with academic records to choose the right school.


The first thing that I would reccomend would be to visit the schools of your choice. After visisting the schools make a list of the campuses that you like the best. This is important becasue you do not want to be stuck somewhere for 4 or more years that you don't like. Next would be yo judge the faculty of the department that you are interested in pursuing. The better the faculty the better the qulity of the education. Finially look at the financial aspect of the school. If its going to be too much of a burden then do not go to that school. One last piece of advice go where ever you feel comfortable.


I would suggest to visit the school on more than one occasion and actually go to a class that relates what you would like to study.


Dont be shy. Get involved and meet as many new people as you can, you would be suprise at how many best life-long friends you will find. Last but not least stay on top of your school work and almost everything else will fall in place.


First of all, find the college that has the right kind of environment for the hopeful student. If the student likes quiet environments with little activity, find a campus that matches that personality. If the student likes busy, fast-paced action, find a campus to suit that personality. Second, the student should keep in mind to work on his or her assignments first of all, and then they can enjoy themselves. It is important to have a daily work schedule in order to keep up with studies and assignments. Fun can always come later.


I would say just find the place that you will feel must comfortable with that isn't known for alot of drugs. People are friendly just find the place that you fit in at. My best advice to anyone is to get involved espicially if your going some where far away from home. Make sure you also study alot and make time for acadmics because that is an easy way to leave college real fast. Try and help your parents out and get the most scholarships you can. Parents find the college that you will want you kids to go to or atleast agree on together and you feel that they are safe at. Don't let your kids come home every weekend they need to get involved have fun and meet people tell them to go join a club. If you let them come home every weekend they will never adapt and never let there hometown go they will just depend on home. And we all know you want your kids to make friends for life and have a great time doing it and get a great education too.


find a school that makes you feel good, that you like and try to make as many friends as you can...


Determine as early on as possible what you want to do with your life. I am now married with two children, and I am back in school earning a second bachelor's degree because I didn't enjoy what I did with my first one. The decision to return to school has caused a great deal of financial stress on my family.


Find the right college that tailors to your needs. You should do lots of research early and find the school that best fits your career path. As always, money is an issue. So you should make sure that you are finacially able to attended where it is that you apply. Apply to lots of schools. There's no harm in applying. As for making the most out of your college experience, you should find a good balance between the academic and social aspects of going to college. Academics are very, very important. After all, thats why you are here in the first place. But you should definitely find time to have a good social life. I have seen way too many students focus completely on academics. They drive themselves crazy. When I say social life it doesn't necessarily have to involve alcohol. There are many, many ways to socialize on any college campus. Find something you love to do and go with it. You have a lot of fun and make some friends in the process. But don't forget about learning. GPA is important, but you should worry about broadening horizons more than your GPA.


Find a college that is a great compromise between what the student and the parent is looking for in higher education. It's not that important to find a college that promotes a huge social life and yet at the same time it's important to not accept a college that completely disregards it. College is a time when friends will be make that will last a lifetime. longer even than the education that you receive. However, choosing a college cannot be chosen with only a social life in mind, the academics must be strongly considered. Parents should not though try to push a college for their own personal reason, but rather should take into all account all possibilityies.