Finding the right college isn't easy, and there's no simple way to do it. I strongly suggest that students select colleges that best suit their needs (money, major, etc.) If a student goes to a college just to have fun, their education is not their top priority and it will suffer. To make the most of the experience, the mindset of the student needs to be open. Attending a college with a closed mind won't get the student anywhere. The students need to aim to be friendly and understanding.
First, in order to find the right college a student should have an idea as to what they would like to pursue a career in, because some colleges focus on or have excellent programs in certain areas that other colleges might not put so much emphasis on or some colleges may not have a program or major for the area of interest of the student. So at least having an idea as to an area of interest would really help a lot. A student wouldn't want to be at a college that doesn't have a program for their career interest. Second, to make the best of the college experience the student should just relax and have fun. Not saying just go out partying and things of that nature, but just try not to stress too much or just be so buried in the books that the student has no social life. I say do your work and make the best of leisure time!!
Come prepared to work. Make sure you sign to a college that you want to attend. Make friends, they can make your college life better.
Don't go to community college unless imperative; Stay in the dorms first year
I would tell the students excited about college that they must never let anyone tell them what they can and cannot do. Shoot for the stars and you will find it hard not to fall from that.
Find a college that will best suit your major. If the college you choose is not known for having a good department in your field of study, than you probably made a bad decision. Research your school before you make a hasty decision based on friends and fun.
Find a college that is not all about one thing. Find a college that is balanced and is diverse and has a place for everybody to fit in no matter who you are, and also has a great education program. Get involved as much as you can and meet as many people as you can. Live life to the fullest and try your hardest in what you do so that you will make the most of your college years without any regrets.
Of course everyone has there own preferences when looking for the perfect college. Whether it's sports, academics, or your social life that is most important to you, make sure you will be happy during your college career. As for making the most of your college experience, get involved, get to know people. Go out and have fun, but also find that balance between school and play.
To find the right college you need to find a place where you feel comfortable and where you feel like you can fit in. I would reccomend making at least a weekend trip to your college one in each semester to get a better idea of wht it is like throughout the year.
The main reason people go to college is to learn and to obtain a degree with which to start a career and begin making money, so you should look for a school with a strong academic program, first and foremost. You also want to have a bit of fun while away at college; I suggest you do not need to select a college far out from civilization, but schools in large cities can cause numerous distractions from you studies. Lastly, you probably want your school to be a place that you look forward going to everyday. You should look for a school with a campus pleasing to look upon and is a fun place to be. College life would be boring if the only buildings on campus hold only classrooms and administrative offices. Make sure the school you select has a gym for you to stay in tip-top shape and plenty of open spaces so you can throw a football or a frisbee around with your friends in your downtime.