I would tell myself to not get involved with the Greek life. I would have told myself to get involved with campus crusades and area churches.
Make sure that you remain focused and dedicate yourself to the upmost understanding of every school class that you go through. Though at times you ponder the use of some information from certain classes you will undoubtedly use it in any walk of life after graduation. The absorbtion, memorization, and understanding of concepts from every session you take here at Mississippi State University will put you in a position of awe by your peers and advisors that in time will put you ahead in the area of success and bring you closer to the field of learning and pride within ones self. Many people are confused when they first enter this university. They ask themselves where to go, what to do, how to become useful in life. Listen to the ones that tell you the possibilities and goals of becoming apart of the working field and excelling in everything that you do no matter where you go because of the important life lessons that are taught by your peers and teachers here at your uiversity. Take pride in your work and drive yourself to succeed by dedication and determination. The path starts anew here and takes your foward with college.
If I could go back in time, the advice I would give myself would have to be, making the decision to go to the school of my choice and majoring in the field that I wanted to go in. I would not let anyone choose the school and my major. I would give this advice to myself because, this is what happened to me. The university I am attending is not my first choice; to be honest, I did not plan on going to this school at all. I allowed some people to choose this school for me. Do not allow people to tell you where you should go or do, concerning your life or college. College is apart of finding yourself and your dreams. Do not allow anyone to make that decision for you because they are not living your life for you. Rather they are trying to live their life through you. If you allow someone to make that decision for you, you will only end up with regrets.
Don't worry about making mistakes. Attending a college prep school and living at home place a lot of pressure on you to succeed. Work hard and do your best to be sure, but don't fret over making small mistakes. They will happen, and the best thing to do about them is to learn from them and move on.
Life away from home will be unregulated. While seemingly amazing at first, this comes with its own problems. You're going to have to learn to sit yourself down and work. No one will tell you to do so, and even if the homework isn't graded it should be done.
Your friends will be your new lifeline. Sure, Mom and Dad are only a few nanoseconds away thanks to technology, but they're not experiencing what you're experiencing. They haven't been to college in years! Your friends are there with you, sharing every hardship and victory. Make them your new family, and enjoy what they bring to your life. Just remember to keep in touch with home, or they get angry. Your friends may be your new family, but the old family still counts.
After the transition from high school to the college life, the amount of self discipline and time management was different from anything I had ever experience. Knowing now what college classes and campus life are like, I would inform my high school self about the responsibilities of college compared to those of high school. College requires one to make sacrifices for school work, and to be open to other?s ideas and beliefs. The first year in college is especially difficult because moving away from home, away from friends, and to a new environment is stressful, especially if it is a school where no high school friends went. I would advise my high school self to relax and talk to people even if it?s the first time meeting them. I would also stress how important putting school work before extracurricular activities is in order to keep grades up and keep scholarships. Also, as one last word of encouragement, I would ask that my high school self not be afraid to show how smart or athletic he is because he is afraid someone may judge him. College is a place to make friends and grow.
The advice I would give myself would be to focus more on my work, connect more with the teachers, and do not be afraid to ask for help when I need it. I would also tell myself to concentrate on the things I want to accomplish in college, be more dedicated to b successful, and prepare myself for the long, challenging, hard work that will have to be done.
If I could go back and tell myself anything it would be to not take on so much at one time. Leave time to relax so that I wouldn't be so stressed. Also be opened to the new possibilities that college brings and be open to meeting new people. As well as opening myself to new situations. Look over the class material once a day at least for an hour. Be willing to meet other social groups and join social clubs. Be prepared for everyday things and make the best out of every situation. Also to take better care of myself that I woont get sick or my medical situation wont occur so often. Also to take and deep breath and accept the things that I am unable to change and continue to work hard.
College has taught me many things?not just academically. First, just because I was raised in a great home, with great parents, and learned to do things for myself, doesn't mean everybody else did.
College is harder than high school ever was. I rarely studied and did great. Now, if I don't study, grades are not pretty!
Nothing replaces a homemade meal and your home church. I love my college church and their college ministry, but there are some things my home church has perfected; I miss that.
I was worried about making good, Christian friends. That has been the easiest thing I've done. I bonded with a great group of people--my BSU family group. They are pretty awesome.
When used to sleeping in a queen bed, a twin just isn?t right. I almost rolled off every night for the first week.
Nothing replaces the feeling of driving into your neighborhood after being gone for a while and know that you are loved, and a good meal is sure to follow. This is just indescribable.
They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but they never bother to tell you how hard it truly is.
If i could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior i would tell myself to take things more seriously and have a plan b always.
Make sure you stay close to your family because they will be your rock in a time of transition. I moved almost three hours away to go to college and it was lonely at first because only one or two people I knew also came here, and I wasn't very close to them. It took me a while to get plugged in, but it would have been easier had I talked with my family more and kept them in the loop. Also, I had to learn to be outgoing and just get out there and try new things. It was hard at first to meet new people and try new things because of the fear of rejection and the unknown. If I could give myself advice a few years ago, I would say trust yourself and your instincts. Jump out there and try new things, make new friends! You'll regret not doing it.