Knowing what I know now, I would tell myself to remember to be myself and to make as many new friends as possible. Friends are a good thing to have in college, for both the social aspect and for the studying aspect. The more friends you make, the more people you will have to help you with homework and to help you in a time of need. I would also remind myself that while making friends is important being a friend is just as important. If you are not willing to be a friend to someone, then people are not going to want to be friends with you. College is about getting a degree so you can better yourself in life, but it is also about learning lessons and meeting people to help you along the way. Friendships are something that every human needs and wants in their lives. Without friendships, we would all be lonely and depressed. I would remind myself to not judge a book by its cover and to try to become friends with everyone.
It's not like high school, there is so much more to do and experience but be careful not to get overwhelmed or to try to jump into everything. Find out who your advisors and teachers will be and find someone you can talk to about your plans and how to achieve them. Focus on your studies (it is why you are here) but make time to connect with others and have fun.
I would suggest to myself that I must keep patience in mind at all times. I would not say anything to change my attending circumstances, as the time and events I experienced after high school are precious to me and I would not like to change any of it.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to not be intimidated. College really is as fun as one makes it and although it can be tedious, it is an opportunity. A wonderful opportunity that some do not have so I need to take full advantage of this chance to better my life. I would express how my grades are truly based on the effort I put into each and every class. I would remind myself that it is ok to make mistakes and that getting a "C" does not mean that I am a failure. There will be some subjects that I understand easier than others but as long as I do my very best, there is no reason for me to be disappointed. I would start looking for scholarships early and take every opportunity I had to make extra money for school. But more importantly, I would remind myself that college is completely up to me. I can take my college career as far as I want and to never let anyone or anything get in the way of finishing my degree and doing what I love.
If I can go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, the kind of advice that I will offer is to take college courses while in high school. Because I was a studious individual, taking college courses would had help the transition a lot smoother. Another advice I would have given myself is to look into scholarships, grants, and financial aid early. One of my biggest struggle as a college student was money. Although, I never held an actual full time job, I worked 35-40 hours a week while going to school full-time. When I had free time, I work on my assignments and I study. Now if I had look into scholarships and grants, I would had enjoyed the opportunity to join extra-curriculum activities and perform more volunteering works around my community like many other students. My last advice is to take advantage of the paid-testing program that high school offers to eligible students. If you had free-reduced lunch, you were eligble for free ACT testing. If I had taken the ACT more seriously, I could had earn a scholarship and had the opportunity to get into a more elite college.
I would advise myself to stay focused on one major. I would advise myself to reflect on what my end goal was and to pursue a field no matter how tough. I would also advise myself that there will be plenty of time to work and earn money and to take the next four years to focus on my academics more so than my career for now. I would also advise to be appreciative of family and friends because they can be backbones that will help you in stressful times and help give you the support and motivation that you may need occasionally. I would also advise to get involved more with the school's activities. The more people you know the greater assets you have for success in academics and in life. Lifelong friends and study partners/groups and be formed in college and they are a great resource of people all working to achieve the same success. I would also suggest becoming more involved within the community as well as with school events.
The advice I would give myself would be do not be afraid to be outgoing and making new friends. The best thing to do is have a good idea on what career you want to pursue and stick to the course requirements for that career in order to stay on track in your degree. I would also tell myself to get more involved with the university and the activities it has to offer students.
I did not start right after high school so one thing I would say would be don't wait too long to start college because I thinks it's easier making the transition from high school to college if you have people you know in the grade as you. Another thing I would say is try to fill out as many scholarships as you can because as we all know college is not cheap.
I was at work when I found out that I had been accepted to my dream school, Rhodes College. After months of hard work my dream came true, and I was about to be a college student. However upon arriving at school I realized that it was not as easy, nor as fun as I had imagined. I was at home when I learned that I was not welcome back for the spring semester, and was heart broken. Now, two years later, I have learned that I needed that semester to be the person I am today. Without that semester I never would have learned my true career goal, to be a restaurant manager, and I never would have learned that I need to want this for myself, not for others. I suppose the number one thing I got out of my college experience was that you have to have goals and something to strive for, otherwise you will be unsuccessful. I may have done poorly my first time around, but I learned the most valuble lesson; only I can do the work to succeed, and only I can make my dreams come true.
I have gained a lot from attending college this semester. I have made new friends, who I am sure will be my lifelong friends. I have gained new knowledge and a better understanding of myself. I used to be extremely shy, but ever since starting college, I have come out of my shell and am now more outgoing. I enjoy every day that I have class, and because of that I have not missed a single class time all semester. I have learned that my accomplishments are just that, mine. If I succeed it is because of the things I have done, not anyone else's actions. I have had to overcome a lot of obstacles to get where I am today and, going to NSU every day I have class I am reminded that it was all worth it. I now want to live on campus, but I need money to do it. I want to have a full college experiance. Thank you.