Northeastern State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northeastern State University know before they start?


My graduating class only had 28 students in it, so starting college I was very nervous that college was going to be very different than what I was used to. If I could go back I would tell myself to not be nervous at all, and that get ready for the time of my life!


I would tell myself not to be so absorbed in my Student Activities work and that I should put as much effort into my school studies. I would sit myself down and say that I am going to have an exceptionally hard time transitioning without my parents with me. That I am going to want to come home every weekend and that I am going to struggle hard from day to day without the necessities I had at home. Knowing how I was in High School, I wouldn't believe that I would miss my parents or call my Mom everyday while in college. I always wanted to live away from my parents and I would always tell them "I know everything." I don't even know a portion of the world and I'm far of knowing half of what my parents already know. I would look myself dead in the eye and say; listen to your parents they know what they are talking about and stay focused in school. Take your SAT seriously and prepare being away from your family and friends but know that you will still hold your morals and values strong in college.


The very first thing I would tell myself is that I should have not moved out my senior year and during the hardest times I would keep myself motivated. Also, I would of told myself that I should of taken more campus visits and know what kind of degree program that I am willing to work for. I would have told myself to have a backup plan. Looking in the mirror and facing your own problems are much harder than your friends and/or family problems.


If I could go back and see myself in the hallway of my high school during my senior year I would explain the importance of a degree plan. I would suggest the right advisor so that she may help myself map out my future plans and classses for my college education. With a broader veiw of the path I will take I would advise myself to start and finish my college education at Northeastern State University. The transition to a small high school to a large campus might seem scary but, believe it you will get the best education from Northeastern State University. I would explain to myself the damage of not attending every single class. Class participation is cruicial for my academic success. While giving myself advice I would explain the beniefts of particapating in school activites and social events. Friends that I have met through school activites have really furthered my academic progress by providing advice, support, and guidence.


Dont put it off. I know it seems like "more school" after the first half of your life it seems was spent in school, but college is so much more. The matutity level is different. The friendship and fellowship and guidance is different. You feel like NOW you're doing something.NOW, youre an adult


If I could go back in time and give my younger self advice for the college transition, it would be to study more thoroughly and work really hard, because you need every opportunity you can to study to make the grades you want. I also would have told my self to save more money than what I did to pay for my tuition. This way you could be not as stressed about bills and would not have been without money through out each semester, having to come up with so much money all at once. I would have told myself to explore more of my strengths and weaknesses to help make a better decision on which degree plan I would have went for and to have stuck with it, eventhough it gets really challenging. Also, I would have told myself to join more organizations to get better acquainted with my fellow classmates, and to develop a social network . Finally, I would tell my younger self to get more involved in the community and volunteer more when I had the time.


I would tell myself, to really pay attention in class, take lots of notes, and also ask as many question as I can, to understand the material more in depth.


I would tell myself to work harder in high school and make good grades. I would advise myself to get in the habit of studying for tests instead of just blowing them off. I would also advise myself to not procrastinate. I would tell myself to start working on assignments when they are assigned, even if I have several weeks before it is due.


I believe that i did a pretty good job the way i went about transitioning into college, but if there is something that i would need to say to myself it would be that everybody who starts college is just as nervous as you so make the most of it and make as many friends as you can because they will be happy to be able to share this new experience with you. Another thing is that you should wait until your second semester or even second year to become involved with lots of clubs and activities because it can be too much stress since you don't know how college works yet. Also, this is chance for you to become your own person so try out as many things as you can once you get settled before you commit and surround yourself with people who are there to get the most out of their education and not to just have a good time, because in the end it will be those people with goals of a better education that will always be there for you and give you the help that you are looking for.


When I was a senior, I didn't care much for school. Much of my lack of effort was attributed to anxiety about my life after high school and what might happen to me in the "real world." I couldn't really envision my life after graduation. I didn't plan for college because it was almost like I thought that I would be in high school forever. If I could go back and give myself advice for my future, it would be to just go ahead and write that paper for English. Stick it out through math even though you don't like it. Most of all though, I would let myself know that there's nothing to be afraid of, that after graduation I'd be the happiest I've ever been. I'd say "You do great in college, despite the stress. You'll have the best friends anyone could ever ask for, and you'll be truly happy for the first time in years." I want my past self to know what a great experience we'll have and that coming into your own is the best feeling there is.