Northeastern State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northeastern State University know before they start?


As a first semester freshman at NSU I have already learned multiple life lessons. I have learned how to become more independent and how to rely on myself to push forward in life. NSU has already taught me that while there are hundreds of people who care and want you to succeed, the key to success is motivating yourself to achieve your goals. If I had not attended NSU, or college, then I would not be able to succeed in a society that is harsh in this day and age. I am thankful for every opportunity that is handed to me and I also enjoy the maturing I have done. I strive in each class and activity to do my best, because I know that my best is all I can do. NSU has motivated me to make a difference in the world, a passion I was not fully aware of before now. Without the college experience I feel I would have fallen down a dark hole in life and never been able to crawl out of it. I am thankful every day for this opportunity and plan on using in to better the world in the future.


It opens doors that wouldn't normally be opened. At the same time I have lost jobs because I was "over qualified".


I would tell myself that college is expensve and I am an adult now and i need to focus on how I would pay for college before it hits me.Also that your ACT is more important than your GPA , and definetly to do my research on colleges.


Explore more colleges, and try to get more financial aid. Don't transfer colleges, just go to one that offers a program in the field of study that you are interested in. You may not be ready to leave home but go for it anyway because you will be able to graduate faster and get a job to help you fulfill your dreams.


I would tell myself to go ahead and buckle down and get your work done. Give everything you do all that you've got and don't procrastinate. But the number one thing I would tell myself is don't worry about not knowing what major you want to pursue, after you spend sometime taking classes you will figure out what interests you and you will be able to narrow you options from there!!!


I would tell myself not to stress about college. If you focus on school and friends, then the little worries are not important. Save money, and make sure you be all that you can be. Life is hard, but being yourself makes the journey worth it all.


If given the chance to go back in time and talk to myself about college I would tell myself not to take it lightly. I would say that school is too important to take lightly. College is not like it was at my high school at all so I would inform myself to study more and get ahead in my classes so I won't get overwhelmed.


Remember to utilize your summers to enrich your education experience to get an edge up on the way things will be. Also utilize any tutors you can having a good GPA is vital andwill help gain a better position in school, in terms of scholarships, and other financial outlets. Also get involved with community service until you graduate and also get involved with scholastic clubs and network building up a better oportunity for resources.


Make sure you know what you want and you chase it. Take risks but be smart about it. Don't stop so close to home go and discover the world and be your own person for yourself and not for anybody else. Do things you enjoy not just work and school, have fun and take advantage of every crazy oppurtunity you get and go at it full force.


I would tell myself to keep up with the school work and stay on top of all the assignments. No matter how hard you want to jskip an assignment because it is just worth 10 points. In the end, those ten points add up to a lot. I would also tell myself to look for scholarships and wother ways to pay for school early on. Class fees add up to a lot of money so you need to start earning the moneyh and saving the money as soon as you can.