Most importantly visit the school. Set up appointments with professors in the major you will be studying. Talk to other students that have been going to the school for a while, ask them what they do for fun, ask them for their honest opinions on the education they are receiving and experiences they are having. Try and get a feel for the city or town in which the school is located, make an extended stay there if possible. Talk to locals and students about what the city has to offer as far as outdoor activities, recreation and entertainment. Basically, just be outgoing and really dig deep and try and find out what the schools about by asking lots of people lots of questions. Even if they get annoyed, which they probably wont, or your embarressed to so, still do it because in the long run it will help. Just keep in mind that what you learn while visiting the school and talking to people has the potential to drastically change your live (or your sons or daughter).
Start looking early and know that whatever college you choose, there is a good chance that you will end up fitting in.
Rember that kids will be home sick, so if you think they will be. I would say have them go to college somewhere close to home. Also dont go to a college just becuase you're friends or boy/girl friend are going there. Tell you're kids that they will have many friends at college, just rember some might not be a good choice for you're academics.
Find a place that makes you feel comfortable and at home and everything else will come together.
Not to try and decide what you want to do right away. It seems that so many people are still unsure of what they do and even change their minds in the process that you should simply focus on an area of interest and see where it takes you. In my own experience I tried too hard to find just one thing to do, and if you personally know what thing then run with it, but otherwise don't stress about finding it. It'll reveal itself on its own.
College is what you make of it. People can promise you the world from one campus to the next, but when you get there you need to find your niche and make your presence known. Get to know your professors, get to know your classmates, get a job, get roomates who you love, make a mark!
Find a college that has the education you are looking for as well as the location you would like to live. Extracurricular activities are very important in college so make sure it is somewhere you can have fun.
Parents, I want to remind you that while it is your job to guide your child, they should make their own choice as to where they should attend school. Even if Billy or Sally wants to all the way across the country, that is okay. It hurts to let them go, but it's important that they be where they are happy.
Students, please go where you are happy. Don't let money stand in your way. There are jobs and loans and grants for you, if you look for them. It is better to get a good education than to get a cheap one. So many of us are going to be graduating in a ton of debt. That's okay! If you get a good education to do a job you love, what should that matter? As for making the most of the college experience, GO TO CLASS. Even if you only listen 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the time, that's 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} more you heard than if you didn't go. You pay good money to be there, so get your money's worth! Join clubs, too! That's a great way to make friends with similar interests.
Trying to find the right college can be an adventure if you treat it like one. When I was searching for colleges my first step was finding out if it had the field of study that I was hoping to take. After I found a few colleges that seemed interesting I did the best thing you can do, I visited the campus. You can learn anything you need at a campus tour. You meet real students and get a feel for your surroundings. My first tour is when I fell in love with Northern Michigan University. College visits was an important bonding experience for my parents and I. After seeing how happy I was in the college setting their fears for my future were pacified.
Choose the school that suits you best, don't choose it because your best friend is going there. Choose the school you feel most comfortable with, I'm sure there is a higher chance of success if you're comfortable in your learning environment. Good luck!