Northern Michigan University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northern Michigan University know before they start?


Hey, go to something you can afford. It won't help you any if you are worried about finnances all the time. However, don't go to one of those community colleges. Check their website. If it works nicely, good university. If it stinketh much, don't go there. I wouldn't.


When finding the right college I think it is important to pick one that is far enough away from your home, but still close enough that you can go back when needed. It keeps some level of comfort that Mom and Dad are still there for you when you need them, but you still have all of your new found freedom. As far as making the mots out of your college experience I believe it is important to get out there and go to all of those different activities, meet new people and have fun. This is the time of your life when you do a lot of growing up and a lot of discovering who you really are, so get out there and discover!!


Don't take any part for granted!!!


I would say to make the most of your college experice, just get out there and experience the college life for what it really is. It's the only time in your life that you will be able to do it so make the most of it while you can.


My advice to parents or students looking for the right college would be to do your homework on the college. Some of the smaller universities might be the leader of the pack in certain fields. You might not find out unless you ask. As for making the most of the college experience, don't be afraid to have a social life! I've had the most fun at (ice) hockey games, and I've met some of my best friends through student organizations, both Greek and non-Greek. Just remember to balance your social life so that your grades don't suffer. Partying every night instead of designating one or two nights a week to kick back and relax can find you on academic probation or flunked out before you know it.


make sure that if you are from a small highschool you dont go to a college that is too big because you will feel overwhelmed, and vice versa. and dont worry about where your friends are going, find the best school for you and what you want to do.


Don't go to school and choose a specific major simply because you don't want to disappoint your parents. College should be something you're enthusiastic about (and going to class shouldn't be something you dread). Pick a major that relates to something you love (that you can make a living from) and go for it! Remember that college is what you make it to be, so if you're slacking, not participating, and partying, or staying up all night on the internet, it won't be a pleasant experience. But if you're active in class and have interest in what you're learning and take care of yourself from a health standpoint (that means sleeping enough!) you'll find college to be a lot more enjoyable. And parents, be realistic and supportive of your college-bound student, it will make their life (and yours) so much easier!


Every leaf does not always land in the grass!


If I were giving students advice about finding the right college, I would tell them this: Be true to yourself. It is not up to your parents to decide your future. It is up to you to decide what you like and don't like. Look for a campus setting that reflects your personality and interests. The biggest mistake a person can make is to go to a college they have no interest in. If you are not interested, your social and academic life will suffer for it. As important as your education is, it is also important to find a university that you can enjoy. Extra curricular activities and sporting events, or just random things to do around campus can make your college experience more fulfilling. Find a campus that you can have fun at, as well as an environment you believe you can learn in. The reason you are there is to get a higher education. Do not use all your time messing around. The hardest but most important thing to learn is to balance your academic and social lives. Once you are able to sucessfully do this, you will have made the most of your college experience.


You get out of it what you put into it. If you try to have fun, meet people, and get involved; it will happen.