The most important factor to consider while choosing a college is not the big name, or the sports programs. The most important thing is knowing that one will have all the opportunities one could want. Colleges are proud to tout their wide variety and diversity of extra-curricular programs, as well as baccalaureate programs, and it is important to be assertive regarding one's desires. Don't give up! There are schools to fit everyone.
Despite popular belief, the most important aspect of college is the coursework. Most importantly, go to class! Many professors do notice when a student is rarely in attendance, and it definitely can affect a student's grade. Only slightly less important, take every opportunity to learn. There are study groups sponsored by the school, as well as fellow classmates that may want to form an informal study group. Also, there are tutoring centers, many for free. Finally, form a support network of friends and family members both at home and at school, so that even when college seems impossible, someone is there to help get through it and move forward.
My advice to students to find the school that has what you want. Make a ranked list of things you to get out of your college experience and what environment you want to learn in. Find a college that fits your list and do not go to a college just because your friend is going there. This is your future and your education, make sure that it is right for you and have fun.
My advice to parents is to make sure all the right questions get answered. Sometimes students forget to ask important questions like aid, health services, and public safety. These are all important questions to ask that happen to usually get buried under more fun questions to ask such as social environment. However, keep in mind this is your child's experience to live and his/her decision to make. Support them in the decision and things will go a lot smoother.
tour the colleges! spend a weekend and get to know the students! have your children get involved and talkt o organization groups on campus.
I would look into the programs/degrees they offer. Also what is around campus to participate in. Surroundings that offer activities your child may be interested in. Just a good school your child would be happy at attending.
When deciding on a college, make sure when you visit the campuses. The campuse that you feel like you are "home" is the right one for you. No the college that everyone is attending or the "it" place to be, but the one that feels like you are meant to be there and that you haven't really left home, but simply found your own place in the world. Once you get to college take advantages of the activities the school offers for you to meet people. It will make your college experience that much better to have people whom you would like to get to learn more about surrounding you than spending a lot of time alone.
Tour different colleges and ask lots of questions. Find out if the college offers the kind of activities you enjoy. It all depends on each persons individual taste. Some people like big schools others like smaller ones. Find a place where you can be comfortable because you will be spending a lot of time there. To make the most of your experience you should get involved with different clubs and organizations around campus. This will keep you up to date on whats going on with your school and it will help you to meet people.
it awesome please come
Make sure your child knows what they want out of college. Every post-secondary educational opportunity is different.
The best advice that I can give to anybody attending college is go to class, be active in organizations, and do not fall behind. College is ment to not only be an academic learning experience, but a social and personal learning expereince for themselves. One should not be afraid to try new things. Most on campus groups will welcome people just interested in learning about an activty that they do and will be helpful. Most of the organizations have students from all kinds of programs in college and they are almost all willing to help you with your school work if you're having trouble. Just remember that there are hidden resources in college in these groups that the college doesn't necessarily always tell you about. Be active and have fun.
Find a college that is what you want. look at what you want to study, what the college has to offer, and the cost to attend. Get away from the nomal. Get out and see new things, try new things, have fun, and stay safe.