Make new friends!!!! Too many people spend too much time the first two weeks calling old High School friends and complaining about how much they miss eachoter. Be open minded, be courageous, and meet the people around you!!!
Apply to many colleges, the application processes and fees are nothing in the long run to keep your options open. Weigh your options and factor in things that are most important to you, such as location, prestige, size, etc. As far as making the most of your college experience, TRY NEW THINGS! You will learn a lot about yourself and make new friends, there are so many activities on any campus that there is always something new to try.
Get a good tour of the of the prospective schools. Here the staff and faculty have to say, but also get a feel for what the students who not doing the tour think about the school. Make sure to be open to new things and willing to step out of your comfort zone at times.
I would tell parents and students to really look into a number of different schools and what each school has to offer. I would also encourage them to go on a campus visit and meet with factualty in their field of interest. When they attend a college, I would tell them to find students organizations they would be interested in and get involved. I would also tell them that they are paying for college for a reason and they should try to make it to every class they can.
Find a campus that speaks to you and has many of the same values that you hold. If you are passionate about being green find a campus that is the same, be sure to ask questions when you visit. Don't worry too much about the money as you will be in debt whatever you do, just get a smart loan and try and save a little while you are in school. Many parents and students have trouble with the separation, this is normal, remember even though you are far away you can still call your parents/student as often as you want, that is what cell phones are for. When you talk often it doesn't feel like you are that far apart at all. Most important of all is to find friends that you can study with and have fun with, often at the time. You should enjoy your time at college, yeah learning is important but so are the experiences connections that you make, so set aside some time to hang with your friends on occassion and just blow off some steam. That fun time is what makes the time pass and prevents college burn out.
Make sure you visit the campus and they have the right classes for your major; make sure they have your major!
Visit! Visit! Visit! The most important advice I could give to parents and students trying to find the right college is to check out the school during an academic week and talk with other students to get the scoop on the academics and social life of the school as well as what is fun to do off-campus. Once the student has chosen the school that fits his or her personality and academic goals, the first thing to do is to find out how to somehow get involved, whether it is on or off-campus. Taking advantage of what the school and university have to offer will make any college experience more worthwhile and unforgettable!
Prioritize the qualities you want in a college. In all likelyhood, not every college is going to have all the qualities you want, so it is important to decide which ones are the most important.
Take your time and really look at your options. You will fail, but you will succeed. Go easy on yourself.