Ohio State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at Ohio State University-Main Campus know before they start?


College IS important! It may not seem like it now, but being successful without a college degree is almost impossible. Though you may not know what it is you want to do yet, don't put it off. Transitioning from high school to college will be so much easier if you do it right away. Going back is so much harder later in life. Do it while you're young; this should be a top priority to prepare for the rest of your life.


Wake up and pay attention! Within the whirling wind of party flyers and the sound of the school anthem ringing in your ears reside the danger of losing focus. You must prioritize your time and keep schedule of everything that you may be involved in. Keep an agenda book handy and utilize it as you would your cell phone. Organizing and prioritizing everything from your school work to the upcoming football game will keep you away from the danger zone. Although your parents may not treat you like an adult, the professors in college will. You can gladly say goodbye to after school detentions and recorded tardies. However, if you fail to demonstrate the habits of a good student your instructors will take note and it will ultimately affect your grade. College is a different world where it will suddenly become cool to be the teacher's pet. Professors love and appreciate a hardworking student. Avoid procrastination; do not fall into the cycle of thinking you can complete an assignment in less time than the instructor allotted you. Utilize your time and resources effectively. Present your best and you will ensure success.


If I could talk to my high-school-senior-self, I would say that everything is a lot different than you thought it would be. It'll be hard, and you'll get stressed. But the harder you work at the things you have trouble with, the more rewarding they are. I would also tell myself to get things done on time. I know you like to procrastinate, but it will come back to kick your butt later on. You'll feel a lot better if you just get things like homework and studying for tests done and out of the way, instead of waiting until the last minute to do it and making yourself even more stressed. One last thing, eat healthily, exercise and get PLENTY of sleep. As much as you may think it's easy to run on 3 or 4 hours of sleep and pizza, it's actually really difficult and wears you down more than you'll like.


If I could go back to my high school senior year, I would have actually stayed for my senior year in high school rather then graduating early during my junior year. I would have stayed there and took AP classes and earned college credits for them and work hard for ACT and SAT test that way I would be able to earn a scholarship and that would cut down my load in college life right now. I would have told myself to explore my options of many other colleges as well, rather then just applying to one and hoping to get in. I would have told myself work hard now, so life will be easier later on.


I would start by telling myself to practice, PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE, my sax more, because the jazz music I played in high school was child's play compared to the music I'm playing now in college, so as to be a much better saxophone player and a much better contributer to the band I'm in. I would also say to get ready for struggle, because for me high school was simple and never had any work to do since I got it all done during class. Now I'm out of my mind trying to balance what classes I need to work on and make sure I have done. Also, if this is before my accident, I'd tell my senior self to take the back roads on the way to work that one day so he's not in the accident that left me without a valid license, my family down one vehicle, and a nearly $16,000 payment to the insurance company of the person who hit me.


Start Early. I wasn't fortunate enough to go away for college. I stayed behind at the local one and spent two years there. I don't regret it but I do wish sometimes that I could have had the "away for college" experience. I would tell my senior self to apply to many schools and hope for the best. The college I am at now is great so to make things easier I would say take as many classes as you can your first year, I kinda slacked, to get it over with and possible enjoy more time off. Making the transistion is easy so not to worry, theres night classes. Make lots of new friends. Dont buy as many books, most classes dont even use them. Also, enjoy the campus life and activities. Go for something like student body president or even join a club. I dont regret going to college in my local community, I've enjoyed every minute of it, theres just some advice I would tell my senior self to make things a little different.


I would tell myself to take my freshman year more serious. Not that I did not take it serious, but I was not aware of how different college was from high school. I would have studied a little bit harder to receive those A's instead of B's. I would also tell myself that my social life will always be there, but opportunities at school will not be. For example, go out dancing with friends or stay in and study for that chemistry exam. I would tell myself always put school first because there will be plenty of opportunities where I can go out and have fun.


College is really hard at age 50 for what I've always been interested in, Accounting. If I could go back I would of gotten my high school diploma instead of a GED, then gone on to college and a good job. Instead I've had to struggle all my life. I would of put myself first instead of always putting others first. Now that everyones got families of their own it's my time and it's a struggle. There was no one to guide me when I was a teenager. Maybe I can be a role model to younger people. I did convince my younger daughter to attend College right out of high school even if she doesn't know what she wants to do with her life yet. I'm teaching her to put herself first because I didn't get to.


If I could go bgack to highschool I would tell myself to have more fun, and focus more on school. I spent too much time worrying about living off campus, and wanting material things that I could not afford that it became a major distraction and stressor in my life. I no longer paid attention as much as I should have to my school work and my college experience because I had to worry about bills, and things I was not mature enough to deal with. I would tell myself to take advantage of my college experience and simply enjoy because it goes by quickly.


Calm down, slow down, relax, and smell the roses. This is the best advice I could give myself as a high school senior. High school was an extremely busy four years of my life jam packed with lots of growing up, changing, and maturing. The International Baccalaureate program and just about a gazillion extracurricular activities (a bazillion of which I was a leader) meant that I was so accustomed to a fast, ambitious life that I never thought to stop and really look around. I bulldozed into college ready to take over the gigantic campus with a ridiculous number of majors and involvement in the same heaps of activities. I may as well have forced myself run smack into an enormous flashing sign saying “LEAVING COMFORT ZONE”. New activities, friends, classes, and even living arrangements! I spent my first quarter confused and slightly lost. Hindi class or sky diving? Jazz or International Studies? So many choices. I could have felt unceasing wonder at the colossal stadium and a freaking sky diving class instead of confusion if I had just relaxed a little and tried new things sooner. So, note to self: Calm down, slow down, relax, and smell the roses!