Ohio State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The teachers. The teachers genuinely care about the students and are flexible enough to go out of their way to help the students do their very best.


The best thing about The Ohio State University is the exciting opportunities that are available each quarter. Fall quarter provides the excitement of football games, intramural sports, clubs and meeting new people. Winter quarter provides basketball games, hockey games, intramural sports and ski club activities. When Spring quarter comes around you can find students out on the oval hanging out with friends, playing frisbee and football, or reading and studying. Summer quarter is enjoyable because usually the class load is nonexistent or considerably lighter and you spend most of your time working and being with friends.


The school spirit at OSU is second to none. It's wonderful to be among people so proud of their school.


Ohio State is a school full of excitment, spirit, and opportunities. The passion for the school and hospitality from students and teachers towards others is contageous. The best thing about the school is the fact that even if you are not born a buckeye fan, once you attend OSU you will be one. It is a welcoming campus with a very diverse student body.


Shcool spirit, and there is always something to do on campus.


Tradition. Tradition is te best thing about OSU because it keeps the spirit alive no matter what. Tradition makes everyone come together in celebration or in mourning. Tradition makes OSU a family.


The study abroad programs are abundant.


Ohio State was a great place to learn how to socialize. Off campus parties were rampant and people were always extremely excited about partying. I came in to school quiet and shy and came out being able to talk to anyone. That was by far my greatest acomplishment in college and i couldn't have done it without OSU.


I think the best thing about my school is the school spirit. especially toward the football and basketball teams!


It is very big and there is lots to do. The professors are usually great people. There is a lote of culltural diversity on OSU. Ohio State has very nice facilities and a well-run transit system for commuting students.