Ohio State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about Ohio State is all the opportunities available to undergraduates. There is so much to get involved in including club sports, student organizations, volunteer opportunities, concerts, mentoring programs, and major areas of study. You can pretty much do anything at this University, making it a great place to attend when you are trying to figure out who you are.


The people at Ohio State are amazing. The teachers care about students and want you to succeed. You will make friends for life among the thousands of people on campus.


The best thing about The Ohio State University is that they offer a very large amount of Major options that range from Social Work to Communications to Zoololgy. This allows for almost anyone in the world to attend OSU and be satisfied with their choice of major. It would be more difficult not to find an interesting major. Along with that, the school offers many classes that pertain to different majors, in case someone was drawn to multiple majors.


In my opinion, it is the credibility of all the professors, each one that I have encountered engages in constant research and are really masters of their field of study; A student can get an excellent education here if they choose to dive into their subject.


The best thing about my school is the dance program. I have been dancing for three years now and I have been so impressed with OSU's dance department. They offer so many different kinds of dancing, they have professional dancers and choreographers teach your technique classes, and there are endless amounts of guest teachers and speakers that visit who are currently performing and making work professionaly. The networking possibilities that you can create by attending this dance dapratment is outstanding.


The passion everyone has for their studies and for their education, and for our community. Each and every person here is involved in something they care about, whether that be research, volunteering, or the topic they are studying. There are so many oppotunities to find what you are meant to do, and so many different ways to impact the community and be successful. Every person, students and faculty alike, wants to help you succeed and wants to help you discover what OSU can offer you. Everyone is friendly, and motivated and its an amazing atmosphere and experience.


I believe that the size and opportunities at this school is the best. It is very easy to get caught up in school work but all of the fun things that are going on campus and all of the different organizations you can join make Ohio State a lot more exciting. I also love the atmosphere on campus throughout any time of the day. It is always so lively and there are always people walking around. The school spirit is like no other around and the Buckeyes are the best!


The best thing about Ohio State is the community. Everyone is excited to be here and loves being a Buckeye, and everyone is extraordinarily willing to help other Buckeyes.


The best thing about my school is that there is so much diversity, yet so many activities to get everyone involved together. Races of all kinda attend Ohio State, and everyone can work together and meet new people through all of the different activities that are held literally almost every day such as art programs, animal programs, math programs, etc.


The best thing about The Ohio State University is the pride in community. Ohio State is a big school and it is celebrated for its size. The best advantage of my Ohio State is the abundance of opportunities it has provided me. From research to dance clubs, to religious opportunities, to supportive professors, to the beauty of the campus, to the amazing welcoming atmosphere the community gives off Ohio State is the place to be!