Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona Top Questions

What should every freshman at Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona know before they start?


I would tell my high school senior self to take the academic side of school a lot more serious. There are so many opportunities afforded during both high school and college to those who have a good GPA. Hit the books first and then enjoy yourself second. I would also tell myself to set up a financial plan to save some money during my collegiate career.


I will decide in just one major instead of double majoring in bussiness and Medicine. I will try to get a really high GPA my first semester because it is hard to go down, and once is down is hard to go up. Be a really friendly guy and have a very open minded mind. Have a small group of friend and try to stick with them througout all four years, as in living together, because they will become my friends for life in the future. I would have also told my self or really research about a specific major meanwhile in high school, that way whenever I am in collge i have a perfect idea of what I am pursuing.


Too stay focused and have a plan prior to attending college because without one it is very hard to go down the path that will lead you in the direction of success.


Apply, Apply, Apply. Apply to scholarships, grants, everything. But most importantly apply yourself. It is vital to make the best use of your time while still a senior, because before you know it you will be on campus taking much harder classes. Scholarship applications should be your best friend if they aren't by now, and you can never have too many best friends. Stay vigilant, and seek out any scholarships that you meet the requirments for. College is the first major step in becoming a full out adult, and offers a number of experiences that you won't be able to find anywhere else. Enjoy the time when it comes, but be sure to always remain humble and focused on school work, as failing out of college is a real thing no matter what anyone tells you. Student events will present you with many different decisions, often sacrificing precious studying time, for the famous white out game at Penn State. Time management is the most important skill you need to learn heading into college. With classes being structured much different than high school, there ends up being a lot of free time. Remain focused, because WE ARE!


I would tell myself to take more time to look into scholarships and awards that would help in college. I would also tell myself to procrastinate less and do things right away, rather than waiting. With college soon approacing, it is important that I learn to do things more effeciently, which I sometimes struggled with in high school.


First, go in undecided. Get a feel for the different courses so that you can find the one that fits you best. Second, only be friends with people you really like. Ignore those who try to be your friend but you do not connect with. In other words, only spend time with good people. Third, study more and FOCUS! Fourth, don't drink alcohol. There are better ways to have fun or relax. Alcohol only leads to regrets. Finally, ASK FOR HELP!


You learn so much your first year of college. You learn how to live on your own, how to live with a stranger, and how let things go. If I could give my senior high school self some advice, I would say you are the only person that will be there for you. That might seem confusing, but it is true. As we grew up we could always lean on our parents, siblings, friends, and teachers. In college we learn that we are the only ones that are looking out for ourselves and our future. No one is holding your hand and making sure you are doing all that you can to be successful. It doesn't take long to notice that you are a small fish in a very big pond; this can be scary but also exciting. You finally feel like an adult and feel like you have a purpose in your life, so live it up and enjoy every minute of it. College allows you to focus so much on yourself, so find out who you are and become the person you want to be. This is the avice I would give my high school senior self.


The advice I would give myself is to study harder, to take things more seriously, and to be myself. If i would have studied more in high school, it would have perpared me for college a whole lot more. Also, if i would have took things more seriously, my grades for example, I could have gotten into Penn State Main, by getting better SAT scores. Last but not least, if i would have been myself and not what other people wanted me to be, I would have had a better high school experience. I also believe that if I would have been myself, my grades would have exceeded themselves.


To start a four year college right after high school, in a general program and then take a 2 year technical degree afterwards. I took a 2 year degree and again I am taking one but it is giving me many setbacks at this age. I would have loved if I graduated right after high school would have made my life a lot easier now.


Dear Past Self, I know you are not too worried about paying for college. You should be! Throughout high school the teachers always said, "Plans for your future will change, always have a back up." Let me tell you a little secret, they were right. You should always have a backup plan in case you change your mind or things do not work out. Fill out as many scholarship applocations as you can, even if they are super intimidating. Don't be afraid to ask for help either, use it while you can! Mrs. Razor will be more than happy to assist you with filling out applications. Another word of advice would be to take the ACT. Now, I know your thinking, "Why? I'm not going to a four-year college, I don't need to." Yes you do! Like I said, plans do change, those crazy teachers were right. Please, don't be like me and fly by the seat of your pants, thinking everything will work out right. Have a 'Just in Case' plan. Make sure no matter what happens you are ready for it and able to handle it. With Love, Your Future Self