If I had a time machine and could return to the past in order to speak to my high school senior self I would tell him to gain all the infomation that he can because it will turn out to be a huge asset. I would tell myself to gain all the tips possible, those that refer to studying, to socializing with the right people such as teachers, early in the school year. I would add that he should acquire the right associates in order to form study groups because socializing and making connections are important because people are always able to learn from one another, perspective is vital in human relations so it is always good to view the world and everything in it from another person's angle. Different people have different ways of gaining information, when I was in high school I'm not sure I knew the best way to do that, with study groups and sociliazing it is more likely that I'll find my way. These words to my past self would yield great reults in college and after.
Stop worrying about everything and just go with the flow. Have fun every minute of every day and take in everything you can. Dont be too lazy to study an extra hour for that exam. Get involved in research and internships in your freshman year. Network as much as possible. Everyone is just as afraid to start college as you are, dont be nervous to talk to someone; you're all in the same boat.
You should choose a major you love or everything is going to seem twice as difficult. Make sure you can pay for college and try to find one that will give you a work-study job. Nothing can ruin your time in college quite like worrying about where the money is going to come from or a part time job at McDonald's can. Study hard, but have fun too. Make friends and enjoy life. Be as open to experience as you're comfortable with and then take an extra step or two forward from that. Find yourself and discover who you want to be, rather than what the influence of your parents has made you. Learn for the sake of knowledge, rather than to pass a test.
As a high school senior, stress and worrying were an every day activity. Juggling seven AP classes, leadership in three clubs, and college applications, feeling like I was drowning in it all was not a strange sensation to me. There were even days when I would get home completely overwhelmed with upcoming tests and deadlines, piles of homework, and having to complete essays which all needed to be done in one day. This is the average life style for the college bound senior though; they are expected to greet all their responsibilities with a smile and happily add them to their already overflowing plate. What I did not realize, and most do not, is that stressing out does not produce the best results in a finished product. By becoming overwhelmed and frustrated with all my responsibilities during my senior year, none of my tests, essays, or homework assignments were the best they could have been. If given the opportunity to speak to my high school senior self once more, the best advice I would give myself would be to take one responsibility at a time and breathe. In the end, being calm will produce a higher quality product.
If I were to go back in time, I would tell myself that I have time to figure out what I want to do with my life, not to stress out about the small stuff and to take the classes that interest you as well as the classes that would challenge you. Stressing out about a major or what profession you should go into does not encourage you to become a better person. Instead, it will close off opportunities and hinder your chances of "finding" yourself. Explore the many varieties of classes a college/university has to offer and explore different fields of study. You will become a better person when you understand what inspires you, motivates you and makes you want to be that better person. Challenge yourself to work hard at the hard courses so that you have pride in what you accomplished. It will also help you to understand your limits. Lastly, take your time through college. It isn't a race, rather, look at college as an opportunity to explore yourself and to become a better person.
If I could go back, I would tell myself to prepare for life to hit you when your parnets drop you off in August because that is when your life as an adult begins. You have to be ready to take contol of you life because if you mess up, your parents can not fix it for you, you have to. Stay away from peer pressure becasue no matter how cool of fun something may seem, sometimes you have to ask your self, "what would my parents think?" and if you know they would not allow you to do something like that then it is best not to do it. Life will come fast and you have to know how to handle situations because for the next couple of years, you will shape your life and shape yourself to the woman you want to be. Be ready!
College is nothing like high school. You are on your own. To be prepared, learn to listen! Taking notes and going to class are more important than you think. Do not let the party scene distract you from studying. If you party, you will fail.
I would tell myself to change my major. It would save me a lot of extra classes. I would also tell myself to be more open. To get out there and meet different types of people. I would also tell myself to study a little harder and pursue higher goals!
First, I would start off by telling myself that I am capable of going to college, it isn't impossible. However, it does require a lot of time, patience, and determination. Along with that information I would remind myself that although high school may seem like the end of the road; there is better opportunities out there for yourself only if you take the chance of pursuing your dream full force. Most importantly I would tell myself that college despite the harsh but true facts, it is a wonderful and unforgettable experience in your life and to not give up that opportunity to change your life for the better. I would also strongly advise myself to stay focus on your goal because of the benefits that would come from it. A comment I would make would be that you have an awesome and supportive family that want nothing more than for you to succeed with your educational and lifetime goal. Becoming the first person in your family to attend college and plan on receiving a degree were goals you set for yourself from the very beginning so stay with it no matter how long it takes because you deserve it.
I would say prepare yourself! College isn't as easy as it seems. You're going to have a lot of stressful sleepless nights studying for your exams. So learn which method works for you best when studying. Also learn how to manage your time better because leaving projects, essays, and studying for last minute is the worst thing you can ever do in college. You want to get it over with so maybe during the weekend you can go out with your friends. Make sure you get to know your professors well because the more you know then the more willing they will be to help. which leads me to another topic. Dont be afraid to ask questions! please ask the professors questions and ask the tutor for help. They are truly nice people and are always there to help with whatever question you have. The last advice I have for you is to never give up on yourself. It's going to hard for you and you are going to struggle but always believe that you will come out of it because you can do anything you set your heart on.