Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona Top Questions

What should every freshman at Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona know before they start?


In my short time in college, I have learned the true meaning of dedication. Education can help and unlock doors to the future, and it starts in the classroom. Everytime I set foot on campus I know that I am here to receive an education, be the first person in my family to receive a degree, and make my parents proud. The dedication instilled in from my parents will help guide me to my sucess.


I just recently got accepted as an adult learner to Penn State Altoona. I have not yet begun my college experience, so I will tell you what I hope to acheive by going to college. I have recently become a single-mother of five, two of which are on the autism spectrum. I currently have no vehicle and no way to pay daycare costs .I need to provide for my family. I will not allow my children to suffer for my poor choices in selecting a father for them, or his choices in leaving or not paying support on a regular basis. My academic carreer will allow me to independantly support my five children and all of their needs, and put me in a possition to be a successful, independant, single-mother. Please give me a chance to prove what I am capable of accomplishing. I will not let you, my children or myself be disappointed in my academic acheivements. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Attending college will help me to get through one of the most unqiue experneices in my life. In college, it can help me to get to know all different type of people. So that, can lead me to my later life. By knowing, different people from different parts of the world, will help to know understand and appreiate their culture and backgrounds. Attending to college is the best choice all high school students should make.


My college expierence thus far has not been much since I am a freshman. However, the pressure of new classes, and on campus jobs has changed my attitude towards college in a way that makes me want to work harder. It has been very valuable for me to attend college so far because I have a strong passion and willingness to grow as an educated individual.


I attended some college when I first graduated high school. Due to family situations, I did not complete college. I am returning in fall 2010 to hopefully Liberty University to receive a b achelor's degree in business and fulfill my lifelong dream of receiving a diploma. It will be valuable for me to attend college as I will finally get that confidence that I need to further my career goals in life. I am excited to also be the first person in my family to obtain a degree, even though I am 38 years old. I have worked hard all my life to get to where I am today... to actually have a degree to back it up would be one of the highlights of my life. I have always been embarassed that I don't have a degree, and want to proudly say that I have one know. I want to get out of the college experience confidence, knowledge that will enhance my career goals, an educational experience that I have never had before, and the ability to finally be proud. Thanks for the consideration of the scholarship as it would help me tremendously.


I have been attending my local community college for the past two years and it has been extremely valuable because it has given me time to figure out what I want to do. College has been very hard for me and my family financially because my brother is also a sophomore in college so going to community college for my associates before transferring has been necessary. I have learned a lot in my school by taking many different classes which has helped me explore my options. I've also had the opportunity to experience many great clubs such as The Future Educators Club and Reading Ravens. Another great opportunity I have had was to be part of Phi Theta Kappa which is my community college's honor society. This experience was very valuable and has prepared me for my future as I will be transferring to Ramapo College of New Jersey in the fall.


College learning is more than what occurs in the classroom. College has taught me to think for myself and that I am the one in control of my life. Prior to attending college, I would "go with the flow" in matters involving my peers. After high school, I realized that those people are not always going to be there to help me make decisions that will affect the rest of my life. I decided to pursue a degree in Early Childhood/Elementary Education because I love working with children and believe that teaching is my purpose in life. College has been valuable for me to attend because it has taught me the value of hard work and what it really means to be passionate about what you do. I have come to love learning and I hope that I inspire that same love in my future students. By attending college I have learned to become more independent, find a career that I love, and that no matter what career field you are in it will be difficult at times so you might as well do what you love.


Personally, the most valuable thing I got out of college is the feeling of giving back to someone in need. Their are so many volunteer opportunities on campus helping out many different causes. Getting involved with them made me feel great and I also met many wonderful friends for life at the events. College has also taught me many responsibilities financially, and personally. I now can closely manage my money and make short term and long term budget plans. Personally, I keep up after my laundry, improved my cooking skills, and learned a lot about time management. I can fit in classes, a part time job, activities, and studying while maintaining a good grade point average


Three years ago I couldn't really understand the real meaning of continuing my education after high school. I thought to my self why go to college when you can get a job which will pay and get some sort of experince. Finally last year 2009 I graduated from Garfield high school, and I realized that getting a degree give me better positions and opportunities. I just wished I had thought of this before. I could have saved myself some time and earned my self some money. Its different when you're atually in class learning about the subject you really want to persue for your future career, than when your a high school student. You take things more seriously and actually learn to appreciate them more. Thats what I would have told myself. words of guidance.


I have realized that hard work always pays off. If something seems tough, break it down and take a crack at it. Once you do, you will feel so accomplished. I learned that hard work always pays off in the end. Also, I learned not to question myself. Everyone is a unique individual with their own thoughts and ideas. Do not change who you are because of your friends. I learned that if they are real friends, they will stick by you no matter what. I feel that since I have been attending college, I have grown up a lot more. I realized that life is not all fun and games. Sometimes the road gets tough, but you just have to perservere.