Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona Top Questions

What should every freshman at Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona know before they start?


go out and live a little and get some real life experience under your belt, this will help you in college.


Jennypher, Make sure you never leave work for the lsat minute because work loads are very and they accumulate very quickly. If you reveiw your notes before and after classes studying will be a piece of cake. DON'T CRAM! Final exams are cumulative and the information you cram all semester will not stick. Now about money, please get a summer job EVERY summer and each semester after your first year (aking the first year to focus and the transition and your classes will do you good) so you atleast have a part of the tuition bill. Try to not take out too big of loans because you dn't want to graduate and have your present be a $100,000 debt. I hope you take my advice! Jennypher


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself, that no matter what traumatic events happen in my life somehow thing will be okay. And, that college is for my self discover not just for my education. I should not be afraid to change my major once. After my brother's death my freshman year I loss hope for a while. I would tell myself to have faith in life, God, and my loved ones to get my through.


In high school, most of our learning was spent in the classroom. In college, only one third of that time is spent in the classroom, which means that you have to teach yourself and practice as much as possible. In high school, a lot of students judged others by what they wear, the color of their skin, and other unimportant features. It is completely different in college, so be yourself. You will meet the people that you can get along this way, so don't try to be someone you're not to fit in.


The most important advice I would give myself as a high school senior is to apply for any scolarship possible. I would tell myself that college is suppost to be fun and not to waste that time working and stressing about how I will pay for school. That a college work load is stressful enough and not to focus on financal problems.


Dear High School Senior Ally, Congratulations! You're close to graduting and pursuing your goals of attending Penn State University and joining the U.S. Army. Within pursuing your goals you will face different challenges. In this letter are two advices that will guide you as you endure your adventure into the "real world." First advice is to set your priorities straight - study first, then hang out with your friends later. There are going to be times in which you will regret not applying this rule. For example, you will chose to watch a game with your close friends, instead of reading for political science. The next morning you will take Professor DiLeo's pop quiz , with which he uses to evaluate whether his students read the night before. Second advice is to stay motivated. There are going to be times in which giving up seems easier, but do not quit or accept defeat. No one said it was going to be easy, but with much heart you will climb and move mountains. Believe me when I say that this is going to be one of the best times of you life. From the Future, Ally


I would advise students and parents alike to start looking for colleges years before the student plans to actually attend college. Many students are clueless when they begin the college application process. By allowing students to visit colleges that far in advance not only will it help students decide on a campus but also to realize they must start begin preparing for college now. That preparation is academic, financial, and mental, without being prepared a student and/or parent may not make the most of the college experience.


if you can pay for it and its a good school, go. -__-


Make sure you are comfortable with the area you are going to.


I recommend that students and parents discuss a college that has good academic programs, oppotunites for students to socialize without alcohol and is in a safe area. If you get turned down by the first campus you chose, don't be upset, because you will still enjoy the college that accepts you. I didn't get into the first college I chose, but I really like the college I'm currently attending. I have enjoyed my college experience so far because I have stayed away from alcohol and I don't need to drink in order to have a have a good time. Balance your free time and be sure to buckle down and study for mid-terms and finals.