Peyton -
05/15/2019I think that Penn State York is a terrific school. The combined atmosphere of education and relaxation allows for students to feel at home and comfortable in our learning environment. I think having a smaller population of students allows students to get active help and participate in classes that encourages their knowledge of the subject.
Nikolai -
03/13/2019Penn State York is a small campus with students knowing each other pretty well, it is a tightly knit community. The biggest class size I believe is about 50-80 students. Which is only for Gen Ed courses like Chem 110 and Bio 110 which are intro courses. The professors make an attempt to help you succeed since it is a smaller class size. Most class sizes are about 16-25 students with some classes having as little as 8 students in it. There are several sports that you can try out for on-campus such as Men's and Women's Basketball (Men's Basketball just won the 2019 PSUAC Championship), Baseball, Softball, Volleyball (Women's), Golf (not sure of), and they are attempting to start a Men's Lacrosse Team. If you are not athletic but excel at video games, they do have an E-Sports Team for many popular games such as Fortnite, Overwatch, CS GO, League of Legends, and other games that I have not mentioned. The food at Rosie's is quite delicious with many different food options at your fingertips. I think some of the food is a little pricey but their prices have come down this year due to having a new vendor on campus. They offer a meal of the day such as Taco Tuesdays, Fried Chicken Fridays, etc. for a very economical price. Most of the ingredients they get come fresh from local vendors. There are numerous clubs to get involved with on campus, Student Government Association, Game Club, and Biology Club just to name a few. They do not offer on-campus housing but there are apartments nearby that you can rent from. All within walking distance or if you do not feel like walking, you can get a discounted monthly Rabbit Transit Bus Pass from the Student Affairs Office to take you to and from school. The campus officers are very friendly and helpful in any way possible. The lieutenant, Officer Lehman is a wonderful guy who makes everyone feel safe on campus. Along with all the other officers as well, some will even shoot some hoops or play a round of table tennis with you when they have free time. If you have evening classes and don't feel safe walking to your car alone, you can call the security hotline and an officer will walk with you out to your vehicle. Overall, the campus is a beautiful small campus with a tightly knit community where students can get most of their credits out of the way before transferring up to the main campus. Penn State York does offer 4 year degrees to be completed at Penn State York. Altogether, I think it is a fantastic campus to be at, oh and did I mention that you are still getting a world renown education with a degree from PENN STATE. That speaks for itself.
Saba -
02/14/2018Never in a million years did I think I would attend Penn State York, but I am happy to say it is one of the better things to happen in my life. My reason for attending this school was the 1+3 scholarship offered by Penn State University (PSU) that would only apply if I went to a Penn State branch campus for my first year of college. When I first arrived at this school, I was astounded by the amiability and compassion of not only the faculty, but the students as well. They were some of the most exuberant and caring people I have ever encountered, and as time went on I came to realize that their energy was contagious.
Penn State University Park had been the only school in my mind so when I came to find out that a total of approximately 1100 students attended Penn State York, I was taken aback…little did I know that this was one of the school’s inconspicuous treasures. Due to the small population of students, I was able to have constant one-on-one time with my professors. I got to know them exceptionally well and they genuinely seemed to want to learn more about me. The interest they showed in each and every one of their students and the efforts they made to ensure our understanding of the subject was so refreshing that it made us want to learn. I would highly recommend this school to anyone interested in a valuable education, wonderful teachers and a positive atmosphere.