Robert Morris University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Robert Morris University know before they start?


Jesus Is my lord and savior!


The advice that I would give my high school self is, to push yourself through the rough times and keep up with your work. You are going to go through some rough patches and will want to give up. Don't do it, no matter how hard life seems you can always pull through for the better. Another thing is to call your family more when you're away. They worry when you don't respond to text messages or phone calls. My last piece of advice is that you dont have to know what you want to do with the rest of your life yet, you're young and have plenty of time to figure that out. So make sure you keep up with your work and have fun while you're away at college, these will be the best years of your life.


If I could go back and tell myself anything during my senior year of high school, I would tell me that it's okay to fail. Through the stress of college, I have learned that failure is not the end of the world, but quitting, or not trying at all, is. I would tell myself that giving your all is the most important thing in life, and as long as you are giving your all, failure is okay. I would tell myself that my mental illness is not a hinderence to success, even though it may seem that way sometimes. I would tell myself that asking for help, especially on my darkest days, is a sign of courage. If I could go back and tell myself anything during my senior year of high school, I would tell myself that things will be okay, and that the sun has to shine through the darkness sooner or later.


I would tell myself that worrying about everything did not change how things went. It is best to just accept that you are moving away and go in with the mindset of enjoying yourself.


Hold down even though high school was horrible for you it will get better once you go to school.


If I give myself advice I would say to; choose a major in advance, start the semester strong, and stay focused on my schoolwork. Firstly, I would tell myself to decide on a major before signing up for classes. If you don’t, you might discover once you have picked a major that your school does not offer the classes you need. It saves time and money to have an idea of what you want to do ahead of time. I would also tell myself to work hard from the very beginning of the semester. Since there are such few grades you received each term, if you are not focused the beginning you will have to spend the rest of the semester trying to raise your grade which is very difficult. It is easier to avoid this stress altogether by doing well from the beginning. Lastly, I would recommend ignoring my personal feelings about my classes. I didn’t like my first classes so I gave little effort and got lower grades. It is better to pass the class than to do badly because you didn’t like it and have to repeat it later.


Dear younger me, Do not fret about college. It will all work out. The main thing you need to do is keep up with dates and deadlines for enrolling and scholarships and all that. It may seem difficult, but once you get started it will all be fine. Stay focused on your studies and don't let the freedoms of college make you blow it off.


Make sure that you give everyone a chance. I know that some people were horrible in high school just because you had big dreams and they didn't always understand you, but I'm telling you that life does get better. Join all these organizations, show everyone who you are and don't be afraid because you are about to run into a lot people who are just as interested in your activities as you are. You are about meet so many people that will change your life. I know you don't want to go to RMU but trust me it's for the best. It's going to open doors you've never seen before. Just keep your head up grow tough skin and keep moving forward. I haven't seen the ending of this story yet but the middle is to die for! Trust me you’re in for pleasant surprise. Life doesn't end at Prom King and graduation speeches, it begins with it. You are built for so much more that you don't even see yet. Trust me.


My advice to myself would be take school very seriously. Years from now you will regret holding off not getting your 4 year degree. After being out of school for so long, it is hard now to make time with a full time job and a "full" time family. Take the time now to enjoy getting your education it will pay off for you in the long run. Hold on, life is a bumpy ride and having your education is "your safety belt"!


If I could go back in time to myself in high school, I would have chosen my current school as a first option. When I first started college, I new which major I wanted to go into and chose a school appropriate for it. After the first year with only taking classes in that major, I realized that it wasn't for me. I then chose a Technical School in which I have a degree from. Upon graduation, I am unsatisfied with the positions I can get with that degree. I decided to continue my education in the same field, but on another path. I am now a member of my college band, my class sizes are fitting my my liking, and everyone is very friendly. The big transition I would warn myself about is that even if I knew exactly what I wanted to do, and was sick of taking random "pointless" classes in high school, to keep doing that because the major you end up with may be very unexpected.