It is very important to go look at schools before you pick one, make sure the classes you are required to take for your desired major are ones you'll enjoy or be able to handle. Also make sure you talk to someone about your desired major because there may be different departments that have your major but the classes that are required may not meet all your requirements. It is important to pick a school you feel comfortable at, not just one that all your friends are going to. Your education is one of the most important things in your life, it is important to make the right decision. Dont choose the first school you look at, make sure you give others the chance because they may have things that are more appealing than the first school had. It is important to make the decision on your own, dont let anyone else make the decision for you. This is the time in your life where you have to start making decisions, let them be your own decisions. Grow up and live your life, go to a school that will be fun and will give you a good education!
I would advise myself to relax and enjoy the transition more. There really is little to worry about and it's all about the experience and being able to take something from it. All the worry that is done by the student, and can't forget the parents, is just not needed. Taking the time to just stay organized and focused will allow for more excitement, more relaxation, more time to do what you need to prepare yourself for the change.
Take in to consideration where the college is located and what you may miss out on at home with your families. 30 minutes away can be as far as you make it. Parents, give your child space when they are making their decision, they may start out wanting to go far, but they will end up where they need to be in the end. Do not pressure a decision out of your child, they will make it when they are ready. Students, enjoy where ever you are... You will make friends that will last forever, and the experiences that you have are priceless. Stay at school as much as you can, if you don't, you will miss out on making friends and social opportunities.
Happy College Hunting!
The college experience should be anything you want it to be. If your first decision wasn't the right one for you, there is always time to change it. You do not have to be miserable for four to five years because you chose the school that wasn't right for you. After college, it's all about finding a job, making money and working day in and day out, so now is the time to have fun, make friends and memories. Find a good balance between that and maintaining some good grades.
Do not settle. Parents should not hold their kids back, even if you don't want your child to go to school away from home you have to let them go. They will only be miserable and hold it against you if they don't go away. And students don't waste your time, it flies by Be as involved as you can be, make as many friends as you can, and go where you will be happy!
Choose the right school that you feel is best. Dont consider a school just because you teacher or parents want you to.
First I would decide whether you would like a small intimate class setting, or more of an auditorium class setting. Then I would decide on a major and look for schools that are known for that program. I would think about location, do you want to go far? do you want to be close enough to drive home on the weekends for visits? or do you want to be totally away from home? To make the most out of your college experience, I recommend joining a social group, whether it be a sports team or a sorority, or an academic club. This will give you a group of close friends that you can experience college with. It will give you people who have similiar interests to hang out with. Then you can meet all of those people's friends and roomates and really extend your own social abilities. Don't be afraid to be yourself and people will respect you.
Yes, you go to college to get an education, but I hope you do not go to college just to get an education. College is about experiencing new things while transforming from a child into a productive member of society. It only happens once and you need to make it as enjoyable as you can. Your friends in college have the biggest influence on the type of person you will become in the real world, so make sure you choose a school where you feel you fit in. Don't try to force yourself into a college that doesn't feel right for you just because your parents want you to go there or because it is cheaper. And once you are in your college of choice, get out there and participate in everything you can. You will make a lot of friends and make your college experience a lot more meaningful. If you make a good group of friends while in college, your time there will be so much more enjoyable and those friends will stay in touch with you after you graduate. Go to learn, but also go to experience. Have a blast.
First thing i would say is you have to vistit the colleges that interst you. Because If you pick a college without going and seeing what it is like, you are sure to be dissapointed. Picking a college means pick your home for the next four years, you have to make sure that it is right for you.
When deciding where you would like to go to school think about what your extracurricular interests are. Look for the school that best combines what you look to do outside of class with your major and learning needs.