Robert Morris University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Robert Morris University know before they start?


If I knew then what I know now I would tell my high school self to be prepared. Save every chance you get; do not waste your hard earned money on useless stuff. Never stop signing up for scholorships, even the little ones. Never put anything off till the last minute, take your time on the big homework assignments and get a head start on them. Ask for help when you need it, there is no shame in it. Keep in touch with your close friends so that when you go back home during break you're not just hanging out around the house all day. Do not stress out, when you are feeling some stress just do something relaxing. Stay active, the freshman fifteen is not an urban legend. Call your parents, they miss and worry about you, mostly your mom. Don't call your siblings, they will either ask for something of yours or tell you they already took something of yours; you can save that fight for when you are home on break.


My college experience so far has been the best time of my life. I am finally with people like myself, who care about learning and work hard. I always knew that college was the right path for me, but I could have never imagined what an impact it has had on my life. I have had the chance to step outside of my comfort zone. I have applied for many leadership positions, joined clubs, and have maintained a 3.87 GPA. College has taught me many valuable lessons. Most importantly, I have come to realize that sometimes dreams become reality.


I can back to school to follow my dream. I want to own my own bakery and I know that I need to understand and be able to run that kind of buisness. I must first gain the knowledge through school. Going to school is but one of the many hard and difficult steps I have to take. But I know that I can acheive anything as long as I have the drive to get it.


I have learned that it is important to have a balanced life at school. Social and studying with more emphasis on your education but don't forget that its an overall experience. So enjoy yourself!


So far, I have recieved a great deal of knowledge that will hopefully allow me to provide for my family in the near future. Without attending college, I don't think I would receive as good of a job as I would because of my decision to go back to school.


So far from my college experience I have learned more than just what my classes have taught me. College has made me aware of so many different kinds of people and how to better interact and live with others. It has been valuable for me to meet people outside of my normal peers who live much differently than I do. I now have new perspectives on things because of all of the new influences in my life. Living in a dorm has taught me how to live with others and to become more considerate to the needs of others. The social aspect of college has been one of the most important lessons I have learned because people skills are necessary in every part of life and without them, no matter how good the education, very little can be accomplished.


From my college experience, I have learned mainly about people. Not everyone is the same, yet we all have goals we wish to achieve. Everyone attenting college is there for a similar purpose - to get a degree. The people we encounter, we have relationships with. Whether those relationships are good or bad, they create a network that may be useful in the future. During my freshman year, I decided to pledge Delta Zeta sorority. Now I am a sister, and the women in this organization that I have met are all different and unique in their own way. Though we share a common factor, the sorority, being diverse lets all of us grow in many ways. Joining other organizations other than Delta Zeta has let me meet many interesting people that expand the way I think and helps me treat others better. College has made me more open minded and accepting of other people.


My undergraduate degree is in economics. So, on the face of it, I've learned countless terms and formulas, graphs and charts, analyses and research methods as part of the economics curriculum. These things are what I received because I made my tuition payments. However, the aggregate of what I've gotten out of my experience is inifinitely more. I discovered who I am. I discovered, fully and completely what I enjoy and conversely, what I do not. I was exposed to cultures and perspectives I had previously known next to nothing about; I even got to live those cultures through a semester abroad. I saw different people and how they viewed the world; how they took the same stimuli I was receiving and analyzed it, processed it and eventually came up with an answer. I took all of these things and developed my own personal process to determine what is worthy of belief and what is not. My college experience did more than teach me what GDP is or where to invest my money. It showed me who I am, what I stand for and most importantly, why I stand for them.


My college experience has been extremely valuable to me. I take something away from every project in which I participate. I think I can also say that I take something away from every class I attend. Years ago when I graduated from high school and attended college, communication skills classes seemed like a waste of time. I could read, write and talk. I did not think there was anything else to it. Today, I realize how wrong I was and how blind, deaf and mute I really was. Education is now one of the most important aspects of my life. I look forward to taking the next class and completing the next project. By refining my communications and business skills, Robert Morris University is helping give me a voice and helped make that voice better understood by others.


Getting accepted into Robert Morris University (RMU) has fulfilled the first part of educational goals by pursuing my Bachelors Degree in Business obtaining my law degree. Since I was 10, I've dreamed of a career in law. As a freshman at RMU, I?m currently taking Legal Environment of Business which is an overview of basic general law. Introduction to Financial Accounting shows basic concepts and how it's handled in the business world. In high school, the first law class was Business Law with the civil aspect peaking my interest. Senior year classes taken included Accounting and Pursuit of Justice. My Comparative Government class compared six different countries and compared how their government operated. As a People to People Student Ambassador, I traveled to Australia/New Zealand and became interested in other countries government. Law classes were my best subjects while accounting gave me problems. Due to illness and to finish an accounting project, I arrived early, worked through my lunch and even stayed after school. Testing in college covers more material and it?s a bit challenging remembering every detail but additional studying ensure a good grade. No matter the challenge I work to my best ability.