Robert Morris University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Robert Morris University know before they start?


Find a college that is affordable and worth the money you will spend on it. Make sure you check out the programs for the major you are enrolling in to see if it is right for what you need. My biggest regret is enrolling in a college whose program focuses on the business aspect and not enough on your individual major. Look into several colleges and compare them. Which has both academic and social activies that you would be interested in? The college education you choose may affect the rest of your life, so don't rush into it. Take your time and choose wisely.


College is great- make the most of it while you're there and be sure to get involved from the start. Try to pick a school that has plenty of activities for the students and isn't just focused on grades.


First of all I would tell parents to let their child choose where they want to go and not to try and choose for them. It's very frustrating trying to pick what school to attend on their own let alone being pressured by their parents. This is the first time in their lives that they really get to make a big decision on their own-let them do it. And to the students-don't go for the biggest party school, if you don't know what you want to major in-be undecided until you know for sure. Take all the classes you think are interesting and find what it is that you wanna do that way. You get credits and figure out what you want to do in your future. And on the other hand, if your not happy with your major, change it. Dont let your self get stuck doing something you dont want to do. Most of all have fun, make some mistakes and grow as a person.