The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Saginaw Valley State University is 75%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
To really do your research and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each school before choosing one. Once you are in school really work on time managament skills and don't overwhelm yourself, but still get involved enough to meet friends. Take everyday as a new experience.
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Describe the students at your school.
The classmates who attend Saginaw Valley State University, want the same thing. We all want to end up successful in our future and believe that SVSU is the university that will allow us to do so. My classmates at SVSU are all comfortable with each other because we form a type of family, having more than one class with each other, allowing us to all express our own opinions.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
I am attending Fort Scott Community College in the small town of Fort Scott, Kansas. FSCC is best known for its rodeo team. Being a small rural college, rodeo is life out here. For many students the agricultural department is a major reason for attending my school. Nursing is also a big part of Fort Scott Community College.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
The class sizes and the dorms.
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What's unique about your campus?
The best thing about Saginaw Valley is the teachers. Now I realize most kids might say that to suck up for this money, it's true here. At my school the teachers care, they actually give a shit about their student's which is harder to find then you'd think. I spent four years of high school in rooms staring out windows and graduated Magna cum laude. The teacher's passed kids along without imparting on them the necessary knowledge , only work as hard as the paycheck. I am learning here, being challenged, and ready to face the future.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
Someone who is looking for a school that is very reasonable in cost, offers a wide variety of activities to do on campus, and likes classes that are small and personal between attendants. Saginaw Valley State University is a very good school, it isn't too large that you are just another number, but not small enough where you know everyone, just right. Overall it's just a really good school that pushes you to be the best you can be.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
That to get into "town" you needed to have a car availble.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
There is very little to find fault with at this school. The campus facilities support every need, including a bank, conveinent store, and many places to eat. This is impressive for its relatively small size. Everyone is more than helpful. Parking is possible and fair, and the on-campus Police support the feeling of safety. The only thing I can think of to complain about is the lack of policy against the students who take advantage of the ability to textmessage on cellphones. This is not a serious problem but merely and anoyance; never, ever during any kind of test.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
Saginaw Valley State University is a great place to be successful as a student and after graduation. I do feel the school could benefit from more availability of certain classes that are being taken by a large population of the students. If more classes were available, students would be less frantic and stressed about getting the classes they need.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
SVSU is unique for its smaller class sizes and the numerous resources available to students. Not to mention the registration and financial aid department are on top of everything and seem to process information much faster and accurately than other colleges.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
An excellent alternative to the overly large universities, which will still provide a first rate education.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
There are a few stereotypes of the school and the students here at SVSU. First of all, Saginaw has a bad reputation in Michigan, and many people think the students are "bad seeds" and "troublesome." This is COMPLETELY UNTRUE! SVSU has great students and staff. We techincally are located in University Center, MI, which is inbetween Saginaw and Bay City. And I think any student choosing to recieve a higher education is anything but troublesome.
Second stereotype is that SVSU students are unintelligent and slackers. SVSU is a relatively small, and unknown university. It might not have the prestige of a Big 10 school but it is NOT a school full of slackers. The students here often come from low income families and are some of the hardest workers I've ever seen. Many come from families that did go to college and are trying to break the mold. As I said before, anyone going through high education should be respected no matter which college it is. People say "you won't get into a good grad school if you go to SVSU" but I say that's bologna! Plenty of students have gone off to wonderful grad schools and are fulfilling their dreams. It's about the substance of your accomplishments more than the location.
SVSU is a great school and has enrollment continuing to grow every year. I am proud to be a Cardinal every day!
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
SVSU is awesome. The class sizes are smaller. You receive one on one training from teachers any time you want it, and we are still a University. CMU, MSU, UofM, etc. have professors that will never remember your name. At SVSU I have professors I still talk to and get advice from on a weekly basis. These professors are ones that I haven't had a course with in three years! The housing on campus is the best in the state. Also the affordability is the best in the state. All of our facilities are new.(Eastern certainly can't say that).
The only thing I ever hear students complain about is parking. The issue though is that you'll have to walk much farther at every other school in the state of Michigan. Those of us who have been here for four years are just spoiled because our walks were short years ago.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
I can't think of anyone who would not fit in here at SVSU. Students vary from middle-aged french transfer students to domestic returning students, and all our classic students from here and abroad. The faculty, professors and other employees, are also diverse and very kind. Everyone gets along very nicely. Those who won't succede here are the students who don't take learning to its potential, only taking one class and having no involvement in the school or graduating, and graduate students seeking high-level degrees.
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What are the academics like at your school?
Because the school is so small, the largest class is about 180 for general chemistry. Almost all of my teachers have known my name. Classes are small and helpful with lots of options. Most interesting class was my English 204 Lit class, Oprah's book club. Worst class was Spanish Conversation, I ended up withdrawing. Bad TEACHER!!! We have the option to take lots of KINE work out classes. I am a nursing major, currently P1 in the program. Everyone on campus knows how hard the nursing students have to work; it is an intense major. I've had great teachers throughout my pre-req years where office hours are frequently available and that's just continued into the nursing program faculty. I know when I graduate I will be able to get a job right away, most likely before I even graduate.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
For sports, our football team and club hockey team probably have the biggest following. Students show up to these games painted up, yelling, and sometimes even drunk <--Not advised however. The atmosphere is really something else to feel that camaraderie and to just feel free to yell pretty much whatever you want. I'm part of the club dodgeball team which actually has a pretty big student following as well. The bleachers in our gym get pretty full and visiting teams crack under the pressure of our fans heckling them; it really is a fun time. I met most of my closest friends through the dodgeball team. Doors are often left unlocked in the freshmen living centers. Across the road from campus is an apartment complex called "The Townhomes." This place is kind of like party central because it's close to campus, but you can't get busted by RA's or campus police. Other than that, there are a number of houses nearby that through parties. Lots of people live off campus so parties are not in short supply. Downtown Saginaw, maybe a 15 minute drive from campus, is home to a string of bars, Meinberg's is perhaps the most popular. On a Thursday night, Meinberg's is PACKED with 18 and older college kids getting their dance on. If you're not into drinking, there are other thing to do. Bowling is a quick 10 minute drive and there is always some kind of deal with your student ID. Valley Nights, a group on campus that I'm a part of, offers late night activities free of charge to SVSU students. Valley Nights shows yet to be released movies every Thursday and has weekend programs almost once a month.
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What do students complain about most?
parking lot
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What are your classes like?
One great thing about SVSU is the class atmosphere. First of all, most classes range from 25-35ish students. This is wonderfully small compared to big universities that have class in lecture halls with 70-plus students at least. At SVSU the class feel is much more personal and welcoming. The professors know students names, which can be a HUGE advantage. Developing a strong professional relationship with instructors is a big help for class and in the future.
Another thing I love about my classes is that there is a wide range to pick from, even within my major. As a Criminal Justice major I can take classes relating to courts, or corrections, or policing, or even research. These help me to specialize in what I am truly interested in, which in turn results in my increase in enjoyment of classes.
Most classes count at 3 or 4 credits, and 12 credits is the minimum to be considered full-time (while 18 is usually the max allowed per semester). Each major and minor has specific number of credits required, and the University requires that at least one class in each of 10 categories must also be completed for General Education requirements. Gen Eds can often overlap with some you may need for your major though, which is always nice!
My freshman year at orientation I was helped in picking classes and learning to register online. The following semester I felt like I could use some guidance again though, and I visited the Academic Advising Office (free of charge to students). They helped me plan out classes I should take and when.
Overall, I like my classes and professors.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
I decided to go to this school because it had a nice campus, a great program for my degree, education, and it was close to home and I wanted to commute.
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Describe the dorms.
SVSU has one great thing going for it, the dorms!!! They are excellent! Every single room has private bathrooms and kitchens. Options for private rooms are available. Big closest and carpeting. Living rooms are furnished. Free cable hook up! A huge huge plus to going to this school!!!!
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