There are lots of different people in different groups with different personalities and different ablilities wearing different stuff and doing different things and we are just different....different, different, different. But we have one goal, not to be different (everyone gets along well, don't worry...unless you're different)!
I think slu is a very accepting school, there are many different walks of life that go to slu. there are many organizations for other religions and races. Everyone gets along great at slu there has never been any racial issues that I've heard of. I don't think anyone should feel left out or alone at slu they do everything they can to get students involved and they offer many clubs and activities to keep students feeling at home on slu's campus. Many of slu students are from Missouri but there are many students from out of state as well.
Diverse student body with caucasions, asians, african americans, latinos. The biggest groups on campus are of european descent and asian descent. Students interact a great deal in group projects, dorm life, and on campus work. Most students are from the MidWest. Money is a big deal, people are always saying, my dad's a doctor, or my dad owns this big company or something like that. most students wear sweats and casual clothes to class. appearance doesnt matter to a lot of people and you can tell, which makes some people look sloppy for class. parties are another story though. there are a lot of students on academic scholarship regardless of race, so you can find comfort in knowing others are in the same boat.
SLU is open with LGBT organizations that hold events, and the vagina monologues, afican american speakers, like michael eric dyson, and speakers from all over the world, which is highly interesting.
SLU is very diverse. Kids come from all over the world. You'll find every race, religion, political position, etc here. Every kind of student can find a nook somewhere.
SLU students keep it classy on campus. Some people dress in sweats occasionally, but with taste. Greek life is very fun and keeps me busy. I am closest with people within the Greek community. Most people seem to be financially stable. Most students are from Kansas City, Chicago, Cincinatti, and other cities in the MidWest
Honestly, there are a lot of bland, poorly dressed, ex-suburban, white kids. You see a lot these types walking around campus, wearing flip-flops, backwards baseball caps, and SLU gear. They like watching TV, eating poptarts, and drinking cheap beer. Pretty sad. But I'm being too harsh. There are many, many cool, interesting, original people on campus ... you might just have to look a little bit to find them.
I'd say if there is one defining trait of SLU students, it's being laidback. Everyone is pretty "chill," you might say. Favorite campus activities are lazy BBQs on a Saturday afternoon or leisurely brunches in the cafeteria in Sunday. Really wild parties, big protests, etc., are pretty rare.
Most students are basically apolitical. There is a big underbelly of leftism. Many of my fellow students who would define themselves as radicals, socialist, or even communists. A lot of this is associated with are Catholc Jesuit identity; many students are interested in Liberation Theology and the Catholic Workers, for instance.
Not too many gay men or lesbians, and a lot of these are recovering Catholics with a lot of baggage. If you're queer and looking for an exciting dating scene, I'd recommend you either go to another university or look off campus. However, you can be out on campus without too much trouble, there is an active GLBT student group, and most students, faculty, and staff are accepting (with a few obnoxious exceptions).
The kind of student that would feel out of place at SLU is one that doesn't want to be involved. SLU is a campus of involvement. People are on the go all the time. There are some students that choose to keep it purely academical, but the majority is always doing something to keep busy.
We've got students from all backgrounds, belief sets, and opinions. I've interacted with many different types of students, as most people their freshman year tend to spend lots of time with people in their dorms and the dorms are relatively mixed as far as background goes. Freshman year especially, dining halls and groups of friends tend to be split up by floor. Most of my closest friends are girls who lived on my floor freshman year. SLU's political sphere is strange because our student body consists of many very conservative Christians as well as many typically liberal students. Conversations about money tend to be centered in the business school from what I've noticed, and I'm not a business student.
The SLU student body is really the reason I chose to come here. When I walked down campus on my tour, I really felt like I was coming home. Everyone is so welcoming, I would feel comfortable walking into any dining establishment on campus and finding someone to eat with. There are so many different kinds of people here! Some of my best friends wouldn't fit into my "stereotype" at all, they just embrace me and everyone else with all our eccentricities! The best thing is that there are so many people here who are looking for so many different things, its easy to feel comfortable. My freshman year, my floor was very close, even though we were all very different. I felt comfortable going to a party with friends who were in sororities or staying back to watch a movie with whoever didn't want to go anywhere that night (there was always someone).
We have students from all over the country and world, and I think its a great way to mature and learn about other cultures and people.