Saint Vincent College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Vincent College know before they start?


My college experience has afforded me the opportunity to growth spiritually, academically, and globally. If I could, I would stay here longer because of the educational opportunities and the friendships I have made with both my peers and the adults on campus. Some of my professors have spent many hours with me helping me to determine which field of engineering would be best for me. The monks and priests are the back bone of this campus. They are readily available and willing to help us broaden our view of God and life in general. Not only will I leave this campus with an excellent education but I will leave with a much reinforced sense of spirituality and community. I am very grateful to have such an opportunity to experience such a worth while college.


I have gotten a good work ethic and do conquer challenges by asking for help when I need assistance. I have learned to work together with different kinds of people for a specific purpose and to be creative by using many different opinions and ways of solving any problems. The College is challenging but I know that I will be better prepared for the future with any upcoming challenges.


I would easily go back and start over from the end of high school. I believe that I would have paid more attention to detail at the beginning of college, and would have taken the proper time to actually pick a major. I went into the wrong study, and I paid the price for it. But now I can say that I am easily a better college student for it. All the headaches, problems, and triumphs of both college and high school were, and still are, worth it. If I could go back I would change how I studied and prepared, but I would not have changed anything socially. I enjoy college, and will continue to fight the battle, and I will succeed in the end.


I would give myself the advice that class size is not that important and the academic advisors at larger schools are still willing to help. Also, I would tell myself that larger schools offer more undergraduate research abilities and have better facilities for the sciences.


Do not go to Saint Vincent College, don't go to far from home its miserable.


"Take a cement pill and toughen up. Coz when you're there and you screw up, you take the whole consequence."


Starting looking at schools in your junior year, it will make your senior year a little bit easier - you won't be rushing to finish applications or worrying about filling out the right paperwork. In the process of finding schools, the internet is a valuable tool, this often gives you the percentages of graduates, the ethnic diversity, and many also offer information to allow parents to feel at ease when sending their child off to college. Also take into consideration not only the academic challenges that are faced at each college and the student to faculty ratio for each school. I would suggest that they take the time to compare the opportunities available to them and visit the campus; many times the photographs that they show you aren?t going to tell you the whole story.


I advise students to begin their college search as early as possible. I also advise them to apply to several schools so they can have a choice of where they wish to enroll. The right college would have to be affordable and fit the student's personality. Students who are very active and social would probably prefer a big university with lots to do. Those who are more relaxed and quiet would probably prefer a smaller college. I encourage students to visit the schools if they can, ask questions, and look at the websites. The Internet offers plenty of resources. Good luck!


It is important for students to find a place that they can see themselves attending for four years, and feel that they would be comfortable there. It says a lot if a student doesn't know if something is the right match, especially if there is an overwhelming sense that maybe that institution is not even close to the correct fit. Parents need to be supportive of their students, and be understanding when a student finds something great or negative about a school. And most importantly, students should never limit themselves to one solid major, because it may not be the major for them, and thats ok. Always be open to different possibilities for your future and what is meant to happen will happen.


Explore your options and be open minded to every college. Find a school that you can't live without going there. Also, stick it out and don't transfer unless you have a very important reason too.