Saint Vincent College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Vincent College know before they start?


Make sure that you are being true to yourself. College is a time to find out who you are, just remember that to figure out who you are means to make sure that you are being true to yourself at this present time of searching for the right college. Follow your heart and you can never go wrong. If it feels right then do it.


Don't choose a college based only upon who you are today. Consider who you could grow to be during the next four years. If a college is filled with people who aren't like you, it may be a better place for you than a college where you feel at home immediately. You want to be challenged to grow, and you want to be in a place where you can really get to know people who you would otherwise not meet. If you go to a college where you totally fit in with most of the people you meet, you will leave in four years with intellectual growth only. If you can make five or ten good friends on campus, that's enough.


Some times a persons instincts are the best thing for trying to tell you where you should go.


Visit more than one college. Research tuition and expenses. Get involved. Choose a major you like!


If you are not a serious student this is not the place to be and if you are looking for a social school that is always busy this is again not the place. People who should attend this school should really be into school and working hard otherwise they are wasting their time. If you like the small school environment you'll enjoy this school very much.


When I began searching for a college to attend, I looked first at what I wanted to gain from the college experience. Growing up in a family of hardworking individuals, I knew the importance of a strong education and the impact my decision would have on my life. I also wanted a positive experience socially. In highschool, I was the student who threw themselves into every activity and volunteered. That involvement was a part of me and I wanted to find a school that would allow me to remain involved. I found Saint Vincent College. It has been everything I wanted and more. As you look at different schools, the most cruical peice of advice I can offer is to visit each school. Create a list of what you wish to gain from college and keep it in mind as you tour. A college should feel like home, a place where you are able to see yourself growing and achieving your own dreams and goals making friendships that will last you the rest of your life. Keep your expectations high and dont settle. College is the gateway to your future so find your perfect fit.


Look at which college fits who you are, meaning, are you a large school student or a small school student? This is allow you to know if you will like your college experience or not.


Don't let others' choices affect yours. In choosing a high school I diverted from the norm and went to an extremely prestigous school. It led me to learning experiences and amazing teachers that I never knew existed. Faculty attention an drive was on making the students able to think outside the box and master techniques in the classroom. When I graduated I realized that I was a step ahead of my go-with-theflow friends. So, In choosing a college I did not go along with the trends. I chose a small rural school that offered me a chance to continue a football career. It has lead me to a fulfilling and fun athletic experience. In the classroom I have the chances to let my abstract mindedness run wild. I can let my abilities be known since the teachers at this small school are very open through papers, essays and projects. In summation, it is advisable to consult your conscience to do what's best for you and defend against those who might be steering you in the wrong direction.


A perfect fit college is just like a perfect fit glove, it can be one of three things. It can be small cramped and suffocating, large loose and cold, or it can be snug warm and welcoming. I like to think that the best fit colleges always feel the way the last glove does. This is why it is so important to understand the school you're choosing before you actually choose it. Don't buy into the hype of just any institution when it comes to where you will spend four years of your existence that will undoubtedly affect the rest of your life. The point isn't to say I went here or there, it's to say I enjoyed my time at this place, and because of that enjoyment I got a really great education that will allow me to distinguish myself from my peers within my respective field. The truest measure of any college is the quality of its alumni. Whether you become an alumnus who changes the world or not, depends entirely on your ability to love to learn and to learn to love, and to choose a school that can show you both.


It is important to answer some guiding questions because each individual?s personality will affect their chances to succeed at the school. Does the school have the major I want? Should it be a large school or a small one? It is important to remember that even small colleges/universities can be as large as some fairly big high schools. Is the location of the school important to me? To what degree is school spirit important? Along with this, do student remain on campus for the weekend? Are there people with the same interests as mine? This is extremely important because while most of your time is spent studying you need to find people you can form relationships with or else you will drown in your work. These should be people that share common likes, but can grow with you as a person. This can be done by finding what sorts of clubs exist and are popular. Finally, the best thing you can do is ask current student for their opinion. Sometimes the best questions are to ask what they do not like. Be sure to talk with your academic advisers. They are trained and want to help you succeed.