Saint Vincent College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Vincent College know before they start?


You HAVE TO visit the school you are interested in going to. Take a tour, get to know a student that goes there, stay over night! Do everything you can to have as much exposure to the college you wish to attend. You would never marry a stranger- it's the same with a school, don't go to a place you know nothing about. Also, don't worry so much about the money. The money will come. It's more important that you love where you go.


Parents...give your children advice but let them choose where they want to go. Students...don't be pressured to going to school where all your high school friends are going. Go a little outsisde your comfort zone... meet new people, be in a new environment, it's good for you. If you are more homely stay close to home and vice-versa. Don't be discouraged at the beginning of college, I was miserable the first couple of weeks but then I met a group of great friends.


The advice I would give to students and /or parents whom are searching for the right college would be to follow these 3 simple rules: 1.) Find out as much as you can about the academic programs that you are interested in. Academics are the key features in college...not sports, not even extracurricular activities. To have a firm hand in your education, make sure that you are interested in the program and that it offers the most to you. 2.) Find out what the overall feel of the campus is by staying with a student for a weekend, or by just visting, and visting, and visting again. Make sure that you will be alright with the fact that the campus may be overly religious, or have no religious feel at all, or is very conservative, or vey liberal...whatever! Just make sure you feel comfortable on the campus if you do decide to go there, because in the end, if you do not feel comfortable, then you will have a very hard time adjusting to the stresses of college life. 3.) Find out as much as you can about food/housing and what you can honestly afford!!!!!


-It is important to look at the diversity of the school - Be honest with yourself, if you are a person who doesnt like to party, do not be embarrased to apply to non party schools - give a lot of thought to your major; don't just "pick" one -you dont have to be friends with your roommate, you just have to live with them - dont be afraid to answer/ask questions in class. Even if people make fun of you for it, you are only with them for 4 years, the odds of you seeing them again are slim. - you're at school to do your best, look at the future and do what is best for you


Be sure to visit the campus and be open to meeting new people and creating new experiences for yourself.