My advice to students looking for the right college is to search for their best fit, but not to expect a perfect match. A school can only do so much; it is an institution for learning, but it cannot make you learn! College is what you make of it and your college years are a time when you begin to create the self you want to live with for the rest of your life. With that being said, in all practicality, you should take professors who interest you, make close friends you can rely on for life, study abroad and travel widely, apply yourself diligently to your classes but be sure to pay attention to the life lessons outside of class, and most of all, leave time for leisure and decompression!
It is really helpful to visit school before you make up your mind because you can sometimes find a school that you just connect with. Keep looking if you're not sure, don't just settle for what you can tolerate.
I remember when I was a senior in high school and how difficult it was to choose a college. Your fellow classmates in high school talk about what schools they are attending and each talk about the various reasons they want to go to the college of their choice. Some will say they want to be far away and focus on their social life, while others purely want to attend the most prestigious school they can possibly get into, which works for some but is rarely the right course of action. I started my search for college by considering how far away from home I would be willing to live. I looked at all schools in my chosen radius that were well equipped and noted for my major. After that I narrowed that list down by choosing what size of campus and atmosphere I wanted to live in. Finally I visited the couple schools on my list and applied to the school that I felt was instinctively the best. I believe the most important tip one can remember while looking at colleges is always trust your instincts, your first pick is usually the right one.
Go with your gut feeling and the atmosphere on campus. Don't let the hype about a place determine that you'll attend, make sure you feel at home and choose a school based on the relevancy of their programs to what career you desire. Don't pick a school because its where your parents went or want you to go, or just because its close to home. Take a chance.
attend every on campus event... u already paid for it, might as well get your money's worth
Don't be shy! Do all of the work required and make lots of friends!
The college you attend should reflect your personality.
1 - First narrow it down to the colleges or universities that have a good program for your field of study.
2 - Decide if you prefer a small school, big school, or somewhere in between
3 - Visit the schools you have narrowed it down to
Advice for finding the right college: Take a tour and visit, you'll know that the campus/college is right for you!
Advice for making the most of your college experience: get involved & stay involved, live on campus and stay there as much as you can versus going home, go the the events and activities that your school has to offer!