Spelman College Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The history and the tradition.


The best thing about my school is the fact that everyone is diverse but similar at the same time. A school where empowering women that come from different backgrounds and walks of life come to learn become educated and become leaders in the world. We are all working toward being successful and influential black women, doing things no one expects us to do.


The best thing about my school is the size. My school is small so the class sizes are smaller and it is easier to have a relationship with my teachers. Even if you wake up late for class you can still be on time because the classes are only a short distance away. With the school being small it is easier to make friends because you basicaly forced to talk to people with the class size being small.


The best thing about Spelman College is the diverse opportunities provided to us. We are constatntly sent emails with various job, research, and internship opportunities. We also have career fairs and events where graduate school recruiters and job recruiters are in attendance. There is also an amazing career center on campus in which the faculty are more than willing to help. Spelman caters to every student to ensure their success after college, whether that be graduate school, work, or even the military.


I think the best thing about Spelman College is the sisterhood. Never in my life have I been around a group of Black women that were driven to be excellent in everything they do. This drive is not only individual as students work together in and out of the classroom to ensure that everyone gets the maximum out of every class. Women of Spelman also work together to improve the environment, as we are a service-based school determined to change the world with our experiences. My Spelman sisters inspire me everyday to be a better student and woman.


The best thing about this school is the positve aspects about learning from the African American experience. Also, on occasion you will gain friends that you can have for a life time.


The teaching style and content of the lectures are the best things about my school. We learn about things, especially historical events, from a different perspective that is not usually told during high school which somewhat complicates certain narratives. The teaching style is usually discussion based which allows others to share their views and opinions rather than just listening to the professor lecture.


The best thing about my school is the network and support community.


The staff is diverse and full of insight on topics they discuus. They give you a broad outlook on the topic howver, also influencing you to develop your own ideas and encouraging you to share your persepctive.


the tradition