The best thing I consider about Spelman is the educational experience. The realtionship between the students and professor is incredicble. Theyalway make sure that we retain and understand the imformation that is being given to us. They are very helpful when students do not understand somthing. Personally, my Intro to American Government Professor made my transition into college level education was a breeze. She made sure that I understood what was gong on in the classroom. She always said as a student, I am a refelction of her teaching and art. This is the idea many proffesors have as Spelman.
There is a strong sense of sisterhood and everyone is there to really empower themselves and their sisters.
The best thing about spelman is Spelbound. This is something that begins before you even start orientation. I became a part of the Spelman sisterhood during Spelbound, the weekend that all accepted students were invited to visit the campus. It was an amazing expirence. That weekend I got the chance to meet hundreds of other girls who were in the same position as me. I had the opportunity to live the dorm life and attend a few classes for my major. I think this is the best thing about my school because Spelbound is when I realized where I belong.
One of the best thing about Spelman College is the never ending opportunities that we students have at our disposal. With the goal of Spelman College of producing strong global citizens ready to take on the world, that goal is followed up with action. There is such a wide array of opportunities available to every Spelman student. It is also vertually impossible to not be an involved student. I feel that when I graduate, I will be ready to take on the world.
The best thing about Spelman College is that the teachers and administration care about you and want to see you succeed. Your classmates want to see you succeed and are always there for emotional and academic support when needed. Being a student of Spelman College, all female school, there is a relationship that we share with our neighboring school Morehouse College, all male school. The relationship is unlike any other, and in may cases, they become lifelong friends and are called our brothers. There is no place like Spelman College.
The best thing that is at Spelman College is that the school builds sisterhood amongst the motivated woman at the school. Sisterhood is the start of all relationships, I believe that this promotes each women to be benefically for each other. This is the best because all women are building each other up for success.
The community and the emphasis on success, because with out the community we students won't have the support we need to succeed in the way the school and the peopel in it want us to.
The best thing about my school would be the location. It is part of the largest consortium of Hitorically Black Colleges in the world. Located in Atlanta, GA, it is also a great place to look for after college employment opportunities, as well as a prime location of great networking.
The best thing about my school is the availibility of a student-teachr relationship. Teachers proivde their office hours and work with students toward becoming the best student possible.
Attending Spelman College makes me proud to be exactly who I am- a strong willed, beautiful, pround Black feminist. I don't believe there's a more nuturing environment in all the world for young women of African descent.