The best thing about our school is that it is a relatively small College, so the resources available here are easy to access, and in a matter of a semester I know almost everything I need to know about my College location and assistance wise. I love that my classes are a meer two minutes away from my dorm and that the professors are always available to assist me with any and everything. Generally, the best thing about Spelman is its high caliber curriculum and great networking oppurtunities.
Since Spelman is part of the Atlanta University Center, we have extremely strong ties with Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University, which only increases the chances of meeting new people and making new connections with faculty and staff.
I consider the sisterhood the best thing about my school. The reason I consider sisterhood the best thing at my school because many students come into a school/institution without knowing anyone. At Spelman College the sisterhood teaches life-long lessons. It teaches lessons of respect, loyalty, and trust. Although everyone is not bound to get along, here at Spelman College you will meet and bond with close friends that you will most likely consider sisters. This sisterhood is a reassurance of support away from home.
A small private liberal arts institution that is dedicated to educating young women.
The best thing about my school is that it helps to prepare women who are destined for greatness by providing resources, opportunities, and sisterhood. When you step on the campus you can not help but see and feel the love that the students have for this great school; and you yourself can not help but want to experience the relationship for yourself.
The school tagline! A Choice to Change the World. We are are truly trying to give back to our communities as well as trying to change the world day by day. I love the pride that most people have that go to Spelman College. I love the liberal arts experience and the classes that we take that shape our minds intellectually. I love how we are told to challenge our teachers if we do not agree, and we are encouraged to ask why are we learning this, and what makes this author creditable enough fotr us to read.
I love that my school is different from most schools. It is an all girls, mainly african american school. I also love how beautiful our campus is.
One of the best things about Spelman is the social life is limitless. It is part of the Atlanta University Center, which includes Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University. Between these three institutions, there is so much to see and participate in.
The best thing about Spelman College is the sisterhood between the students .To enter Spelman College as an only child away from home and leave knowing you have a built a lifelong relationship with young woman there cannot be anything better than that. This is the best thing about Spelman College because it is encouraging to the students to know that they have a countless number of their fellow Spelman sisters to support and encourage them through the trials and tribulations that may arise during their life.