The most blatant benefit about my school is being taught by a staff that holds a Doctorate or a Masters in what they teach and bring that hands on learning, to the classroom. This helps the student better able to see through the eyes of one who has lived what the intellectual wants to accomplish.
The best thing about my school is the alumni spirit and involvement on campus. Also the strong spirit, history, and tradition. They remind us all where we came from and keep us focused as to where we can go.
I consider the networking at my school to be the best thing. At Spelman you have so many connections to the many different avenues that may spark interest to the many different students that attend there. There is absolutely no way that anyone could graduate without knowing or getting to know someone in their desired field or workplace.
The best thing about my school is the pride that the student have in attending the college. There is gret school spirit and everyone is passionate about bettering the school and the surrrounding community. The students are very involed in campus events due to th strong school pride also.
I love Spelman College because the falculty really care about the well being of the students. They try their hardest to see us succeed. Also,, the overall environment on campus. It is like a close knit family. We call it a sisterhood. Once you are a Spelman student you are apart of a sisterhood that continues on for the rest of your life with women from all over the world.
What I consider to be the best thing about my school is it's encouragement and commitment to educate its students in courses and careers typically geared toward males ie. Engineering, Physics, Math, etc. I admire the care and concern the faculty and staff have for each and every one at our school. I love the spirit and comraderie of this school and of the students.
It nurtures African American Women by teaching them their history and encouraging them to pursue a boundless future.
The sisterhood is very strong at Spelman. When I got here I really felt like I was becoming a part of a huge family of women who hold eachother to very high standards.
The best thing about my school is the sisterhood. Because Spelman is an all female HBCU there is an extreme amount of support, despite how competetive it is.