Any extra time that you have use it wisely. School work can become very overwhelming.
I would have told myself to remember to use and practice time management. I think that would be the one thing that would make a difference in my academic carreer. i would have also told my self to work harder on my math skills becuase i did struggle a lot while here at stony.
Read the rules carefully- sometimes they can help you.
I would go back and take more AP classes. I realized that the main benefit of high school that carries over to college are AP and other college classes taken. I took 5 AP classes in high shool and i wish that i took more. That makes your college transition easier becasue you have more credits comming in, some of which may apply to your major. AP STAT taken in high school gives me credit for a class in both of my political science and sociology majors.
If I could go back in time, I would warn myself that college is challenging and in order to achieve what you want, you need to remain focused despite distractions. While social interactions are very important, they should be balanced with a healthy schedule. Time management is also very important to succeed in college - this prevents excessive stress and helps you plan out what needs to get done and by when. Also, never give up. There are a lot of people who may criticize you and/or the career path you wish to take, but never listen, especially when they tell you that finding a job is highly unlikely. Pursue the degree you wish to use in the future, and absorb all you can from your classes because becoming an educated individual is important and fosters motivation to achieve your dreams.
Make a decision about which college you will be sttending sooner and take more AP courses.
Please do not be shy. Be confident in approaching people. College education is not the only form of education in college. Socail interactions also helps you grow. The best educations are not in the classroom, but outside. Do not stay in the dorm too much. Even during the winter, get outside.
I feel that if I had been more assertive in high school, I would have been more prepared for the level of initiative it takes to do well in university. While nothing is inaccessible to me now- clubs, events, recreation, research/internship opportunities - everything takes more self-involvement and self-motivation than in high school. As a senior in high school, everything was available to me sequentially and characteristically; I was very involved in extracurricular activities and clubs in high school, but although I put in much effort, it never required as much self-motivation. I would tell my past self that I need a better sense of initiative to do well, not only in classes by going to office hours and getting to know my professors, but in anything that requires more than the 'average' standard of passion and ambition.
College is an experience to discover yourself, and what you are passionate about. It is a time to experience, learn, play, and work. Managing your time is the most important tactic to develop, as you are all alone now - nobody will be telling you what to do anymore. Networking, and making friends will happen, if and only if you want to make it happen, by participating in your classes, and through extra-curricular activities, whether it be sports or clubs. Learning to communicate is key as well - you will need to be proactive with your professors, and potential club members, or teammates. Find help when you need it, because once your GPA is disappointing, it is hard to get it back up without a developed plan and new resolve - it is very easy to become lethargic and unmotivated! Don't let anybody tell you what you should take - study whatever interests you the most, as you will always do better with subjects you look forward to learning about. In the end, you want to find a job that you wake up every morning excited for. College is a short, but lasting experience: enjoy it and take advantage of your priviledge.
I would tell myself to engage in an internship or volunteer program in a field that would be related to my major in college so that I may be a step ahead than the other students. I would also tell myself to strive for a higher gpa and SAT score so that I could get more scholarship or even a full four year scholarship to attend college.