The main thing I have gained from my college experience is experience. I now better understand some of the workings of the corporate office and this has helped me to transition into a higher working level. I am no longer considered "entry level" and my supervisor has seen that I am incredibly dedicated to my future. Going back to school was the best decision I ever made and I am eternally grateful for the lessons I have learned that have benefitted me and will continue to benefit me for the rest of my life.
I have recieved a whole new life from college. I have met many possitive influences and learned how to be self-relient and responsible. I have been through a rough life as teenager and college has given me a great oppurtunity to make something great of myself. I am currently at a community colllege but i plan on transferring to a university. The degree i plan on earning will take quite a while to achieve and unfortunately i am extremely tight on funds. Any scholarship i can recieve will greatly help me on this acedemic journey.
While I haven't been in college very long (less than 1 semester), I feel like it has already been a life changing experience to me. I grew up in a town with a population of 1000 people. This town was almost all caucasian christains, leaving me with a less than stellar cultural intelligence. Coming to SBU I have learned about so many different cultures and feel more well rounded because of it. I believe that the diversity here is one of the best selling points of the school and I would speak highly of this university to anybody. Aside from that, SBU is helping me realize my dream of being a marine biologist and is pushing me one step closer to acheiving that life goal. So far I appreciate all the opportunities that college has to offer me and I look forward to the next 6 years that I will be spending here.
I have learned much about mathematics and education throughout my attendance at Stony Brook University. I have been given the opportunity have meaningful conversations with professors who are well known in the mathematics world. I have also been given the opportunity to explore other areas of interest through elective courses and extra-curricular activities. I have been able to create long-lasting friendships and important connections to the mathematics education field.
By attending Stony Brook University I have been given the opportunity to succeed professionally. Upon leaving the University I will be confident that I am prepared to educate and guide young minds. I am grateful of the opportunities that the University has provided for me have a happy and successful future.
College expereince is not simply to learn new subjects or ways of thinking but also interacting with people. What one learns in class is important but the connections you make in those classes are equally important as well. I learned new ways of thinking, gaining skills and ideas but steps in overcoming the wall of my anti social behavior. It may help that I truly enjoy school but attending classes and participating and in class activities I have been able to express what I think. I have slowly but surely been able to put forth my ideas and views to other instead of sitting and saying nothing. I have gained more confidence and social skills needed to interact with my peers expanding my inter and intrapersonal skills. Attending college is a valuable experience not just for the schooling but for the social experience as well.
So far, I've gotten more than I thought I would out of my college experience. I've learned proper techniques for treating patients and I've learned more about being a professional and using teamwork to get things done than I ever have before. This alone has made it very valuable for me because these are the things I'm going to need to know once I graduate and get out into the field and am able to use my skills. Everything I've been taught and will be taught are all necessary and are all very useful and important. I'm very happy that my college incorporates all this into its curriculum and that the students get the best training so that they're ready to do things on their own when it's time.
I believe that this cliche is very true, "Life is what you make of it." The quote also deduces that college is also what you make of it. Earlier in the school year, I was afraid to meet new people because I am an introvert. I did not make any friends the first week until club fair day arrived. I registered for a few clubs. As time passed, I attended their meetings and met new people. I became more sociable and currently has a group of close friends. I strongly believe that attending college is the first step to independence. Especially if you are going to live in dorms, college is all about balancing your own classes, work, study, and party. Any imbalance would cause unneeded stress. College is also valuable to attend because you get to live away from your lecturing parents. Over time, I realized how much I missed them and the things they do for me makes me appreciate them more. College is fun.
What can I say about college that hasn't already been said? I believe that it is everything that it's cracked up to be; it's a perfect way to learn about living on your own, it's a perfect place for kids to grow up and take responsibility for their own selves and their actions, it's a perfect place to party. There's nothing like college; it is an experience in and of itself that no one could possibly understand as well as someone who has experienced it for themselves. I would never recommend that anyone pass up going away to college, mainly because there's nothing else like it. Four years of learning, partying, and just living...I believe that you'll learn more in college than you will during any other time in your life, and if that's not valuable, then I don't know what is.
In some peoples eyes, they view getting a college education as an expensive burden uneseccary to achieve. Today I am ashamed to say that my first year of college ended a few weeks after it started because of the same poor prespective. After a few months of experienceing life as a "looser", I realized that I was so stupid and there was no way I was going to end up like the people I was associating with. Education isnt just a way to increase earning potential, its also apart of the human life. Without it you still learn from experiences but why would anyone want to limit themselves to only that! This year I was so excited to start school that I couldnt wait for summer to end. Part of being human should include taking every opportunity to learn more and more. My view of college now is completely different. It is valuable for its important role in helping me exceed the "natural man". Even though the price of attending college is expensive, the value you get out of it can not be placed at any price. Instead it remains an experience that provides you with unlimited blessings and opportunities.
Before attending Stony Brook I went to a community college and I didn't really know what direction I wanted to take. When I recieved my Associates degree, I knew that I wanted to continue my education. Attending Stony Brook University has really pushed me into a direction in life. The teachers and faculty members at Stony Brook Univeristy know how important it is to succeed and have a good education, this is why the course work is challenging, there is a low tolerance level to failure and there is always so much to learn. Research is highly encouraged and there are so many different oppourtunities for anyone who wants to do research to get involved with it. When I got involved in a Psych research lab at Stony Brook, I was so excited to be apart of something so valuble. I learned in a different way that helped to open up new doors for me and push me even further into a carrier goal.
I am now so excited to be graduating in December with a Bachelors in Psychology and I cannot wait to further my education by going to grad school and possibly even a Ph.D. program.