Stony Brook University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Stony Brook University know before they start?


If i were to go back in time and give myself advice about college, i would tell myself to broaden my horizons and get involved on campus. In college, one deals with many new experiences and situations and if that person can keep an open mind, each situation will be a learning experience that will not only teach that person something new, but allow them to have fun with something they don't usually experience. People go to college to educate themselves, but they should educate themselves not only in the classroom, but outside the classroom. They need to interact with others and learn about the experiences others have lived through and through the sharing of information, both people leave the situation wiser because they can now relate to others more and learn more about themselves in the process, which will help them interact with others in the future. College prepares people for problems they will face in the real world such as maintaining relationships with others and the testing of one's beliefs and ideas. If one enters college with an open mind, whatever they learn during their four or five years there will last them a lifetime.


Hey Cait. Yeah, Cait, that's what they'll call you in college. No more Catie B. So, just like you thought, college is going to be everything you want and more. You're finally going to find your best friends. I have a couple words of advice though. Don't get that job at the Telefund; you're going to hate it and feel bad for asking all those people for money. Being a telemarketer is a bad idea. There's going to be this great group of people called Pocket Theatre. You'll want to be spending your time there. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Your life will be so much easier if you don't try to handle it all on your own. SBU has such a great network of people that are there to help you. Your professors, unlike the majority of your high school teachers, realize you're a human being and that sometimes human beings have legitimate problems. Be open to new things. You're going to meet all sorts of people and your best friends are going to be the people you least expect. Most of all, be yourself.


If I had the ability to go back in time and advise myself as a high school senior, I would encourage myself to do the best, because I feel as if I didn't do as well as I am capable of doing this semester. I would tell myself to read the lecture notes after each lecture so that I am sure that I understood what happened in class. Also to never do the homework at the very last minute. We are given a schedule of the homework at the beginning of the semester, so to just pay attention to that and keep my priorities in order. I would also tell myself to not be afraid to ask questions, if I am not sure why I had received a certain grade in that class. By asking questions, I would be able to know what I can improve on for the next homework, and maybe even get a better grade. I would also advise myself to try to prepare for orientation day because that was when we made our first semester schedules, and if we take too long at orientation, the classes we want may be full when we're done.


College is nothing you expected. The freedom you've been imagining since the beginning of the year is not as care-free as you might think. College is difficult. You'll have to deal with roommates, classes and adjusting to being completely on your own. Know that you can handle whatever comes, but also know that your family is there to rely on. Admitting you need a bit of advice or help from mom and dad is nothing to be ashamed of. Don't get caught up in stress over the little things. College only comes once, and it's time to enjoy the full experience. Stay focused on your goals and you'll go far, but don't sacrifice possible friendships and bonds with others that didn't come as easily in high school. Dealing with roommates will be difficult at first but it is crutial to keep an open mind. Enjoy the last few days of high school, but know that college is truly your time to shine.


If I could go back to being a high school senior and knew what I knew now, I would certainly made different choices from the choice that I made. Number one, I would meet with an advisor in the program of study that I was interested in the school that I was interested in. I would then attend all the information sessions of the schools that were offering the program that I was interested in. I would also take very specific notes at those sessions about all their requirements and keep a note book. I would join a group that provide support and information about the program that I am interested in. for example stony brook nursing offers a pre-nursing society that helps perspective students get information from students that are already in the program on how to strengthen their application. And last but not least, I would research all available financial aid available for students that are interested in the particular area of study that I want to attend and apply to all of them.


I would say "Dorothy never look back and regret the past, the best is yet to come".


My dearest friend, I would like to advise you to apply to all of the Ivy League schools as well as Stony Brook and Texas A&M. It would be satisfying to say that you at least got into any of those schools. Stony Brook is a great fit and remember that life is way different once you meet new people. It is scary at first but, as I am sure you will do, put yourself out there to meet new people and become friends with many of them. Do not stress about the RA position, it gets easier with time, and do not get in over your head with extra curricular activities, it is not worth the stress and time devoted to it. As for school, work hard at it and you will do fine. Keep the focus and go towards that original goal. Love what you do every day and do not regret your actions. Feel free to socialize a bit more when it comes to the ladies, but also do not let it affect your school work. Take advantage of the resources provided for you and appreciate the love and support from your family.


Looking back at my high school experience I would have to say that one of the most important aspects of college is the balance between a social life and the academic one. For me all of my social events always happened in school, an over participants in all school activities and events. I only allowed this to happen because my High Schools course load was slim to none, I was in all AP and Honors classes, so all my efforts went into things outside the classroom. I always knew that what happened in HS would transfer into college but I seen nothing wrong with what i did. Now a freshman in college, I have learned the hard way to keep a strict focus on my school work and if there is enough time, have a social life. After all, we are in college to get an education, having a social life is just a perk.


It is very hard out in the "Real" world without a degree of some sort, and if you take your general classes and you are still unsure what you want your major to be maybe you will meet others just like you and they will give you some decent ideas, in regards to moving forward with a major. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and talk to your counselor, they are there to help you, ask any and all questions, remember, "there is no such things as a stupid question", and not asking questions can be more detrimental than asking questions. You might think you have all the answers, because it's your senior year, but life has only to begun for you. You can make wise choices, or unwise choices, but the the first step you must make is to pick a school, and sign up for classes, and that very well maybe the hardest thing you have to do, the first step is generally the hardest step, but if you take one step at a time, and ask questions, you will be juts fine, I promise.


College is a place to learn about your career, but it's also a place where you learn more about yourself. The advice I'd give to myself is to try new things. I would advise myself to try every club, look into sororities, make new social groups, and just get out there and learn more about myself. I look back now, and I don't remember every class I've taken, or every grade I've received, but I do remember the friends I've met, and the chances I've had to try out new things but never did. If I could go back, I'd focus on school and my course work but I'd also focus on the social aspect of college more.